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Image Comments posted by chris_myers2




    Nice shot and good exposure. The DOF is a bit distracting with the foreground rails out of focus. Shooting at the hyperfocal range of the lens should make most everything in the picture reasonable sharp. Pleasant scene overall.


    Uisage Bahn Falls


    Kenneth,Overall the composition and subject are quite nice. The unreal green other tones detracts from the photo. Have you thought about getting a drum scan done from the slide? It might bring out more of the original colors.


  1. Mark,

    Since it's pointless and irks me for people to rate a photo without leaving a comment, here's mine. Overall this is a beautiful sunrise/sunset picture, for such tricky lighting especially.It would be nice to compare this photo to one taken with a neutral density filter to see if you could have brought out more detail/color in the clouds at the top but it works the way it is. I gave it a 9 for aesthetics (because it is so nice) and an 8 for originality (because so many of these have been done but not as many the way you did) Good job!


  2. Angel,


    A place I've been many times and never thought to take a photograph from this angle. Very tricky exposure which unfortunately accounts for 1/2 the Louvre being overexposed. Nicely done!


  3. Cute picture. Cats are sooo photogenic! The fisheye lens gives it a nice touch too. I can see his eyes but just barely, differing monitor calibrations again...Problem of "digital" media. I'll keep my film cams for a while! haha


    Good job.



    Salsa dip


    I really like the form and contrast between the two dancers. Her white gown and his black vest and trousers really make them both stand out. I agree with Darren, however that it should be cropped tighter. Nice to see human forms like this clothed for a change. Leaves more for appreciation methinks....

  4. E.E.,


    The exposure for the flame is great. It's a shame that we can't see the people and the apparatus fighting it a little better though. I think it would have given it a more dramatic touch.



  5. Geary,


    Very good. The trees stand out nicely against the sky. Some nice dodge and burn in the right places could really bring out the sky, tree bark, and rocks. Great potential for a beautiful photograph!



  6. "Camera-wise" it's an obvious Leica shot. It's funny that they are so recognizable. I commend you on this photo! The composition and tonal qualities are wonderful and I agree that it suggests more than you can see from the picture. Great job!
  7. Justin,


    I like the contrast and lighting. It reminds me of TechPan which I love to use but is fickle about tones (well pretty much straight black and white) as it can be. Nice effect. (pets are always fun to photograph and getting a nice shot is not as easy as it may seem). Good job!



    My cat


    Very nice and sentimental touch to your cat's photo. DOF is slightly off as you said but all in all a very endearing picture. Sweet looking cat too. (can ya tell I'm a cat lover?) haha







    I like it but the glare from the lamp really overpowers the entire scene. My eye is drawn to it more than any other element in the picture. The subject though, is nicely lit.

  8. Dylan,


    Dodging and burning can be troublesome to judge sometimes. With this one I think it would be best to burn in the harness and do some dodging in the face. It's hard to make out the eyes and especially the ear. Of course, it may look totally differnt on your monitor. It's difficult to judge with monitor settings.

  9. I like the subtle colors in this. It's nice to see a scene which doesn't just scream "I'm a field of flowers!" Nice cropping (if you indeed did). My suggestion would be to make the resolution a bit smaller so it wouldn't take too long for those using modems to view it.
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