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Image Comments posted by lucas_griego




    Cool self portrait.

    Checked out your web site..

    clean and interesting... nice and easy to navigate presentation. Keep up the good work.




    Like the shot..

    the yellow color is a bit too intense for my liking and I think it detracts from the mood of the shot.. kind of takes it from nostalgic/documentary/street shoot to pop coloration. A sepia would work better.


    Just checked your folder - the other shots of China are nice 'slice's of life' as well. Good work. (but still don't like the bright yellow on 'em)

  1. Kyle,

    like the shot. makes me ask a lot of questions. even more questions with your given title. and right away I get a sad/bad feeling... run aways? street kids? abandoned?

    brother and sister? victims?


    I dunno. But a good thought provoking photo. At least with the title the way you've got it. I wonder if it would have hit me as much without the title? But since that's how I saw it..

    so be it.. nice work.

  2. For those of you with knee-jerk reactions to this shot... give the guy the friggin' benefit of the doubt !!!


    At least get off your ass and take the time to look in the rest of his folder before running on and on about Photoshop.


    geez, guy gets a nice shot in and suddenly it's got to be constructed in Photoshop!


    oh yeah..

    nice shot by the way! ;-)



    best buddies


    Well done. The skin tones are so even and smooth. Nice looking kids as well. It doesn't come off as 'posed'.. very comfortable and natural. I'm a sucker for a nice shot printed with a 'sloppy' border.


    Wish I'd had shots of me like this taken when I was a kid instead of the school (?) portrait with my goofy mushroom head against a fake woodland scene backdrop, topped off by having the log/tree branch prop in the foreground as an arm rest... sigh...


    So yeah for all of it's inherent merits and my personal depravity in tastefully done childhood portraits, this is great!


  3. Marc,

    Ah, good catch with the shoulder issue. I still have about 4-5 rolls of 35mm of her that I have yet to scan. I believe there are some fuller shots as well. On the lips... I guess I am just plain biased here.. I'd take 'em any way they came! ;-)

  4. Dave Foster asked "Is this a porn box cover? "


    Dave... 'cmon stay with us here. Just 'cuz she ain't got her kit on don't make it porn. Far from it. It's pretty far from what's on porn covers these days.. Oops.. err.. I mean from what I suspect may be on porn box covers these days.. ahem.



    Nice shot. Lighting is dramatic and the pose is good. The model is attractive. And to that end her face is nice as well so even if she had clothes on she'd still be attractive.. of course maybe not as provocative.. but still definitely attractive...


    As for all the people and their knee-jerk reactions to nudes by rating low.. get real... get an open mind... GET NUDE!



  5. Overposed? Hmmm. I think perhaps to reach something dramatic in a shot it's always a bit more than a natural occuring posture (among other elements like lighting and color). I didn' t think this pose was too far out of the field. Could post a shot that you think is 'not' overposed so I could get a better grasp?


    Uncomfortable? She seemed fine. I mean she didn't collapse or going to muscular spasms... those came later. ;-)


  6. Thanks everyone for the comments!

    Nice to see that people are taking the time.


    Tom Meyer-

    The reference to Hans Bellmer was an interesting one. I can see how you could make it. In fact I had something similar in the back of my mind. Not when I shot it.. after looking at it since the shoot. I was glad that you mentioned it as I would have never remembered the name - but had seen his work before. Very interesting. Yes the optical foreshortening is something that I realized can play some tricks. After thinking about the shot and your reference to HB.. for some reason I was reminded of this painting of Salvador Dali's, I don't remember the name.. but something about virgins or school girls and candy canes(?).. it's one of his more suggestive paintings.. and it's funny as in every art book in jr. highschool it had been ripped out of the book. I could never tell who did it... the adminstration or students! ;-)


    Doug -

    Ha ha... I dunno if I could fill the Hans Bellmer shoes.. just yet. Plenty of dark things inside.. but it's carefully balanced out with procrastination and the fact that I am basically lazy! ;-)


    Charles Stupe-

    Ha ha.. only on Photo.net..

    A hot bod, decent lighting and someone's gotta comment on the bottom of the shoes! ;-)

    Seriously though... some of this did cross my mind.. though only after I shot it. Sometimes on a shoot like this it's hard to keep my mind on the task at hand. ;-)


    Again thanks for all the comments from everyone. It's the best part of Photo.net!!!!

  7. Robert,

    This reminds me of the shots in the old National Geo's that I used to spend countless hours as a kid flipping through. They were all old copies we'd buy for a 10 cents a stack, mostly issues from the '50s or '60s I guess. Printing, paper and probably color film wasn't what it is today... still they had a certain feel all their own. For some reason this shot has some of that feel.

    Really a great shot. Of course I'm envious that your shooting this while on a break from documentary filming. Shucks, tough breaks! ;-)

  8. Jean,

    Very nice combination of luck and skill here.

    The luck being the cat who went vogue on you.

    (err.. maybe that's skill actually!) and you have done a fine job on exposure, composition and timing. A hesitation here could have easily unnerved the cat and your shot would have been out the window.

    A very pleasant shot to look at of some actually very middle of the road items. But that's the magic here... timing, lighting and skill all thrown in at the right time to bring us a fresh take!


    Thanks for showin' us!

    N001 (Nude)



    I looked at this shot probably about 15 times before commenting - just to make sure what I thought of it. So here goes...


    Technically - I am fine with it.. the exposure is good and the lighting even. Composition works well enough for me too.


    I find it creepy.

    Super duper creepy.

    The feminine hand is seems like a hand of a corpse. There is no life to it. The hand of a cadaver. Perhaps once I had that in my head I just couldn't get the shot on any other terms.


    One previous was comment was that it was 'a beautiful tender portrait'... how could it be? The hand is so disconnected to anything, so disembodied. It looks like he's lifting the hand straight off of the autopsy table!!! That you can't see the man's eyes open and that he is nude or not wearing a top only makes it that much more disturbing!!!


    Ha ha.. One of those cases where I sincerely hope my comments don't say more about me than they do about the shot. ;-)


    I know this is subjective as hell..

    But that's the feeling I got out of it. See why I had to really check before I posted my .02 cents.








    Interesting image.

    The expression and costume give it a very theatrical look. That he is smoking makes me wonder even more about the whole scenario.

    Very interesting.

  9. One of the very first shot's I'd done with lighting. My Mamiya was

    brand new out of the box and I had to shoot something! Made a

    phone call to a friend and rolled out the white paper background.

    Even now I think this shot's simplicity is it's strength - a model

    with a great body doen't hurt any either.


    Comments and critiques welcome!

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