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Everything posted by marc_bergman1

  1. Photography 99 years ago. 99 Years Ago 1 sm 2
  2. Bennett Sherman takes a close look at camera shutters in the September 1958 issue of Modern Photography magazine. Shutters 1 sm 2
  3. You can see the entire collection of magazine scans at my website site here. A Look Back – Photography Magazine Scans
  4. Here are this month's camera equipment ads. Alpa 1 sm 2
  5. The What's Ahead column looks at depth perception. What's Ahead 1 sm 2
  6. Is Ilford HPS the fastest film? Fastest Film 1 sm 2
  7. Here is a look at photographer Paul Strand. Strand 1 sm 2
  8. Modern Photography, in their September 1953 issue, takes a close look at this camera. Linhof ST 1 sm 2
  9. It sounds like you wanted a custom frame in the correct size. Does Walmart have frames in this specific size? I signed up for Michael's account. They send out incredible email discounts on their frames. I got two standard sized 20x24 frames with a 13x19 inch mat for under $30 total.
  10. Here is a 1968 article from Modern Photography magazine about the Rollei and the Petri cameras. Smallest 1 sm 2
  11. Looks like good things happen to good people. For the Canon 7 the wrinkled curtains are not a problem. It is rare to find one without some. Is the meter working? Mine still does and is accurate. I would be careful how you hold this camera. Make sure you don't put too much pressure over the meter cover piece. They can crack. There was the Canon 7S which used a CdS cell and needed a battery. There was also the Canon 7SZ. Here is some added information. Canon 7sZ
  12. I guess the proof of what you like is in what you buy. So far with my Sony A7RIII I have a Zeiss Batis 25mm f/2.0, a tiny Samyang 35mm f/2.8, and the Sony 85mm f/1.8. However my next lens will be the Sony 100-400mm. I just couldn't see buying one of those large wide to tele zooms. The zoom are generally very sharp in the center but soft in the corner. I was able to get three lenses which are very sharp edge to edge wide open. In manual mode adjusting the focus ring causes the EVF to magnify. With manual focus lenses I can program one of the back buttons to magnify the EVF.
  13. Mike - I never realized the difficulties they had with color negative film. Julio - Thanks. I like to see examples of photographers overcoming obstacles by use of either tools or techniques.
  14. Mike - Weren't the 400mm lenses called "girl watchers"? That might be from a Spiratone ad. Dave - You are welcome. Julio - The format comparison was interesting. I had two Pen FTs. I sold them and went to full format once I started doing my own darkroom work. I like anything that has to do with the astronauts and the space program. The Cuba article was good in showing how hard it was for photographers in some countries to get needed equipment.
  15. I wish the article had gone into more detail in terms of sales. I could understand 35mm RFs with interchangeable lenses declining in sales as the SLR era took off but look at how many fixed-focal length 35mm RFs were sold from 1960-1990. It must be millions.
  16. The entire collection of scans can be found here. A Look Back – Photography Magazine Scans
  17. Here are this month's dealer ads. Cambridge 1 sm 2
  18. Here are this month's camera equipment ads. Beseler 1 sm 2
  19. Can Russian Photogs Bear It??? Russians Bear It 1 sm 2
  20. Here's the latest in mirror telephoto lenses. Mirror Teles 1 sm 2
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