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back alley

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Posts posted by back alley

  1. if you are talking to me then i might suggest you are a touch off base. i really have no vested interest in what jay or anyone else does for a living when it comes to commenting on things photographic.

    i find some of his comments quite barbed and was surprised and also wondered about his 'bedside manner'.

    as a reader on a forum most comments, barbed or not, are interesting to me.

    i mostly come here to try and learn something new.



  2. to bill hoffman,


    i drive a 12 year old mazda and dislike apologies, especially when i feel the need to make one. it was out of line and against my better judgement that i made my own arrogant remark about your comments.

    this is the internet for cripes sake and how anyone could pretend to know anyone else is beyond me.

    it was late, i was generally pissed off with some of the comments made and you got the blast.

    my apologies to you sir!



  3. i certainly don't think shutter noise is irrelavant(sp?), i just don't think i'd sell a camera because of it, unless of course i only ever shot in a near empty church.

    i'm not knocking leica either, had one, been there done that! very nice camera/lens.

    and if quiet was my main concern i would have kept the mamiya.

    i agree that if i don't want to be considered serious or noticeable my konica auto s3 or canonet 17 would be a better choice than most.

    i'm 5'10" and 250 pounds and don't normally worry about 'being caught' taking a snap - i normally smile and just move on if caught. never really had a problem there.

    maybe i just get tired of hearing mostly the negative about my little camera. if i were making money with it i could justify a more pricy set up but i'm just making pics that please me.


    sometimes i wish it were a kinder, gentler world...



  4. i've had my bessa r for about a month now and for the life of me can't figure out what all the fuss is about!


    i sold some mamiya 6 stuff to buy it. now that's a quiet camera. as are most of the fixed lens 70s rf cameras i also own.

    the leica m4p that i sold years ago was a quiet camera too.


    i started life with a nikon f2 i think, moved on to a canon f1, then oly om 1 & 2 - went to a canon t90 and lord knows i can't remember what else.


    never did i sell a camera based on the level of noise it made.


    i also love home theatre and have a spl meter to measure sound levels. the average sound on an average street is way beyond that of most cameras.

    i think it's so interesting how we justify our wants and desires.


    i work in the human service area, i work with women who have left abusive relationships. it's a satisfying area to be in, until payday.

    when once i could afford a leica today i can't. but i like small cameras and lenses, even screw mount cameras. i love 'street' shooting too.

    sometimes, there are some on this forum who speak like it's a crime against all things creative to not have a leica camera & lens combo. maybe think before you write with such harsh judgement.

    there are many things i would like to afford and pamper myself with, just can't do it.

    should i give up photography, sell my noisy cameras so as not to offend? not likely!


    i quite like this forum for the most part. it's very active and there are some incredibly talented and creative people here whose photographs have taught me some things.


    sorry for the rant, not meant to offend or antagonize...



  5. cokin was the only screw in filter i could find locally in 39mm, it was in the digital section of my local cmaera store. if i wanted b+w i would have had to special order it.

    what kind of reputation do the cokin's have?



  6. interesting how we interpret so differently, but that is really to be expected as we cannot help but bring some of ourself along with the interpretation.

    i see an angry almost menacing look, saying to others- keep out!

    the tree in the background, beyond the door seems the paradise that is locked away from others who must stay on the other side of the dreary door.


    just my 2cents...

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