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Image Comments posted by prayermedic



    The Woodbine bridge over the Don valley was the playground of my

    childhood in Toronto. My Mother would roll over in her grave if she

    knew how much fun we had getting filthy dirty playing war games and

    slogging through the river. There was no walking and bike path in

    those days.

  1. Thank you for your comments. One of the best things about working in

    Sooke was the people I got to work with the next was the place we got

    to work in. The drive in from Victoria each morning neted many such

    images. This image is often used a note paper to send thanks to



    This image was shot with a Canon EOS 10D and a 24 75 2.8 L F 9'5 ISO 400 shutter 1500 If you notice, the centre of the image is 18% gray which lucky for me allowes everything in the picture to be perfectly exposed. I have never really considered including this information with a photo because I don't learn that way. I still use my film brain and look for a sgadow that I want detail in and meter for that. I don't give much thought to white balance either. I do still try to do all the composition in the view finder so that I don't loose much in processing. Thank you all for your comments.


    I think what kept them from going over the edge is that they ar 12 feet tall sheets of metal. On a hill not far from Spokan washington Thank you for visiting and thank you for your comment.
  2. I'm a huge fan of morning light, and you have done a great job here. I was sent here to view your portfolio by another member, so even with such little experience you have come a huge distance,and have developed a bit of a following. Well done. I see many people are making great suggestions for developing and refining your art. The great Canadian artist Freeman Patterson has a few books that have influenced me, "The Art of Seeing" "Photography For The Joy Of It" and "Photography of Natural Things" These are not new books but they are often found in great old book stores and I thing you can still get them at Freemans Web site.


    Also if you have a chance to go to the nikon school, they used to have a traveling road show. It is a great experience about 10,000 images in 8 hours National Geographic has a leadership video series one of which is on creativity in the workplace. I saw it while doing my Master in Leasership. A yound Doctor could probably get the hospital to spring for that one as part of your CME credits.


    I use photography to enhance almost everything I do In fact I used photography to formulate the question of my thesis by starting with a class group picture and honing it down to one high contrast line drawing of one unique individual in my class. Another project required system thinking, so I photographed every electrical component on my Crestline ambulance and demonstrated how to troubleshoot a faulty fuse using only pictures and a few well chosen words of direction. Bring your art to work and school and keep it alive in you. Let it be a big part of your life long learning. Good luck and keep capturing light and shadows.

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