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michelle a.

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Posts posted by michelle a.

  1. Hmmm..... this isn't really anything new.


    My very first 35mm slr was the Canon T50 back in the early to mid 1980's. The only Mode available was P as in Program. Needless to say as I began to move forward in my skills, I was somewhat disappointed in the fact that everything was automated.


    As far as I can tell the D40 is indeed a very simplistic camera. So while I would agree with you that the D40 is close to being a P&S disguised in a DSLR body..... there is a market for it believe it or not.

  2. I would definitely let the first bride know that you've gotten an inquiry for the same day! Remember it's not fair to you to be left hanging either. If the first bride is no longer interested it would be polite of her to let you know in a reasonable amount of time, so that you can book the day to someone who really wants you!
  3. She sounds like a sweet heart your veterinarian! Not a lick of business sense if she is giving away her services! I agree that maybe you could just do a wedding and donate the proceeds to her..... along with maybe working with her on pet photography to her clients.


    PS.... send her a check (for whatever amount) for the euthanasia of your dear kitty..... even though she didn't want to charge you for it. I'm sure she'll love you for it.

  4. I would think that the images your photographer provided to you were already color corrected. Mpix does do a good job, and when my clients buy a disc of their images I always tell them to make sure they don't let the lab color correct them! Maybe that is the issue? Mpix is the lab that I recommend to my clients who do chose to purchase and print from the CD I sell them.....
  5. I love it! But it is really stressful.... I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to literally vomit before a wedding job, so worried about screwing up!....... but once it starts happening the adreneline rush is so awesome. Capturing someones special day really means so much to mean.... It really is the best thing in the world!
  6. I went to look at the pics before reading your whole post.... I didn't know which side was which. A blind taste test so to speak. When I looked at them the images on the right appeared sharper to my eyes. Exposure details especially in the car image better.


    Lo and behold I come back and discover which was which...

  7. Just a follow up to this thread..... no need to respond! I just wanted again to say thank you to all who helped me out!


    The card has been printed. And it looks wonderful! Special thanks to BW Combs, you helped tremendously.... and to Lyubov for the recommendations about the font and type. I was able to find the font the designer used by going to identifont.com. From there I purchased the font, and was able to "fix" the font in the back using the same font as the logo.


    Thank you!!!!!!

  8. I've been using Photoshop since version 5 so I'm fairly knowledgable....although no expert! I wasn't fond of the early beta versions of Lightroom. It seemed slow and cumbersome, and I didn't really give it a chance. When I saw that the 1.0 version was going to be released in February I tried it again, and wow! what a difference now! The beta 4 is awesome, and judging by the video tuts online the official version is going to be great! I pre-ordered the official version the other day and can't wait to get it. I was able to get through a group of maternity session photos very quickly using LR vs my typical ACR and bridge workflow.


    Still keep in mind that Lightroom is NOT meant to be a replacement for CS2.....

  9. 1. I'm a full time photographer (nothing else outside of photography)....but weddings are a small part of it... the meat of my business right now is children, maternity and families.


    2. I was asked to do a wedding 2 years ago for a friend of a friend.... got paid $75 for it, and it took off from there.


    3. No more than 10 this year, with my limit being 2 booked in one month..... have 2 booked so far.


    4. The middle package.....

  10. I'm in total agreement with William Morgan here. I put my camera in AWB when shooting weddings or when I'm shooting small fast moving children inside their homes. There too much going on to be fiddling with this. It's enough that I shoot in manual mode and I'm making sure my exposures are correct.


    The only time I customize the WB is when I'm working with studio lighting or outdoors when I know the lighting is not going to change.


    And I shoot RAW all the time.


    It isn't laziness Colleen..... it using the technology that's available to make the job just a little bit easier. :) If AWB gets it wrong it literally takes seconds to fix a whole batch of images in ACR or Lightroom.


    Kinda reminds me of the Manual Focus vs Auto Focus debate....

  11. I didn't do any of that "traditional" stuff at my own wedding.... but then again I'm not a traditional kind of person. Of the small amount of weddings I've done so far only one has or two have. Makes no difference to me if they do or don't.
  12. Gulp..... $2400!..... Oh yes. The most I've spent on a lens has been in the $900 range and even then, it kills me. I know eventually I'll get to the point where I may need to pony up for glass that's more expensive, but until then not being a rich and famous photographer keeps me from spending that kind of money.
  13. I've been shooting film in conjuntion with digital at all of the weddings I've done so far. Although I've only used it once or twice with my child photography.<p> I find that my portrait clients are too excited to see their images to wait 1-2 weeks for all of their images to be processed from the lab, and then scanned by me. I think it has something to do with the "instant gratification" that we've all become so acustommed to. <p>I love film, I love digital.....


    In fact I recently made a <a href="http://michelleamarante.blogspot.com/2007/01/looking-back-and-moving-forward.html">blog post</a> about this very thing....how much I have missed shooting with film, especially just for my own personal enjoyment.

  14. I've not had anything stolen....... "yet". But I usually introduce myself to the DJ at the beginning of the event... and keep my gear near the DJ's set up. Usually under their table or by the side of where they are working. Does this mean it's safe?..... of course not... but since I am working closely with him "during" the event, I feel a bit better about it.
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