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michelle a.

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Posts posted by michelle a.

  1. I don't mind the C-41, the prints from it are nice, although I've noticed a slightly brownish tone in the prints that I've gotten back...


    Personally I prefer to use my fav bw films which are Ilford Delta 3200 and Kodak Tri-X. And yes they can be pricey to develop at a lab if you can even find one who will do it anymore.


    I process my own at home..... not expensive at all really when you do it yourself.

  2. I think it looks good Delanza. I like your packing of it too. I recently purchased an Epson R320 just so I could print directly onto a printable CD, with an image and text. I've used labels in the past but have heard that adhesive is not good. I'm not sure, but I bet printing directly onto the CD couldn't be good for it either.
  3. Two things struck me right away, and you already mentioned both of them:


    1. Harsh shadows from flash.

    2. A majority of them are underexposed.


    Not bad otherwise. My suggestion would be to practice, practice, practice your flash technique. Find and read the thread on flash technique here in this forum. Nadine (a regular here) is extremely well versed and has written a lot on the subject. And then visit this website for a really good article on flash technique.



  4. Elements does not have the Curves function.... many would argue that they could not live without it as it gives you far more control than the Levels function.


    However if you must use Elements at least upgrade to the newest version 4..... alot has changed since your Version 2 that you are using now.

  5. Wow...... looks like I missed some good advice here while away. Thanks for the recommendation. I will be looking into the Demb now as an alternative.


    Wedding went well..... we were in the midst of the tropical storm Alberto, and the bride and my equipment were extremely lucky. The heavens downpoured until about 30 minutes before the wedding. Vows were spoken, formals done, and then the heavens reopened....


    Thanks again to all of you....

  6. Well I managed to get it all in there.... I decided to take all 4 lenses, and the LSPJ. I'm sure to need a chiropractor when I come back from this trip. My gear bag weighs a ton! I've put the tripod into a suitcase, almost breaking my nose in the process. I really am hazardous to my own health! The head was so tight on the legs of the tripod that while I was trying to remove it the whole thing flew forward and bonked me right on the nose.... ouch. I was worried for a few minutes that I had broken it... lol! Luckily a little ice and a bit of swelling around the bridge is all the damage done....


    Thanks again to all of you for the advice!

  7. Thanks for the responses.... you've all given me a little more to consider, before I finalize the camera bag.


    Nadine here's the issue with the LS... I use a Domke F2 to carry my carry. It's a really accomadating bag, and actually fits a lot of gear but my LS just doesn't fit anywhere into it comfortably. I end up shoving/jamming it down on top of my small 50mm lens. It's still sits up higher than everything else and causes the flap over cover to ride up higher than it should and then buckling and unbuckling become an issue because of it. It's a PITA... *smile* A little piccie to help visualize...<div>00Gro1-30460184.jpg.77fd702eace744cecaad4ff77849b4ad.jpg</div>

  8. I'm traveling to Florida this weekend.... while there I'll be photographing my

    sister-in-laws wedding. It's my gift to her. And I'm really looking forward to



    I'll be bringing 2 camera's (D70 digi and a N90S film body and film), about 8GB

    of CF cards, 2 flash units (SB-800).


    1. For lenses I have a Sigma 20-40 f/2.8, Sigma 70-200 f/2.8, a Nikon 50 f1.8,

    and a Sigma 105 f/2.8 macro. I definitely want to bring the 20-40 and the

    70-200.... I'm unsure if I should carry the 50mm and the 105 macro.... Trying to

    keep things light, but I could see a good use for both of these two lenses as

    well... What would you bring and what would you leave behind if it were you?


    2. I will be bring my heavy and bulky tripod in it's carrying case. Do you

    think it's safe to check that or should I deal with it as a carry on?


    3. Lightsphere diffusers.... I have two, the older model and the newer PJ

    inverted dome. I also have the diffuser that came with the SB800. Its small,

    takes up no room in the bag and to be honest can't see much of a difference

    between it and the Fong milk jugs..... so would you lightsphere or not....


    I really like traveling light, but want to make sure I bring the right things

    with me.... Advice on my questions is surely appreciated.

  9. I like the way you used only simpleviewer to create the site.... great app. Images load fast. Great work btw!..... love your people pics, very edgy stuff.


    The only problem I could imagine is that if people want to contact you they have click, click, click all the way back to the beginning to find that info on the first image. Some people might find that to be a PITA, if you know what I mean.

  10. These are cool Todd...... I took a peek at your examples that you have on your blog too, those are sweet images. I think the ones posted there give a better example of how wonderful an image you'll get. I'm finding it really hard to see the Holga in most of the examples here, other than the one of the little girl.


    I love my Holga but I've never been fond of how little control I have over exposure. This is a great alternative.....

  11. Have a D70 (with a D200 purchase planned in the near future) but my "backup" that is always in the bag as well is a N90S. It had been quite a bit of time since I shot anything with it, but I've been yearning to use film again, so this past weekend used it in conjuction with my digital while shooting an event for a client.<p>


    Used my favorite Ilford Delta 3200 and some Tri-X 400.... It was wonderful, and then afterwards I spend an enjoyable couple of hours developing. I'm thinking I may actually do some of my own printing in the darkroom too!<p>


    I actually enjoyed it so much that I believe that I'll be using both cameras again at the wedding I'm working next weekend.

  12. Thanks for the feedback so far everyone....! I really do appreciate it. <p>

    <i>"i'd say you need to get a better handle on the lighting. For me it doesn't pop."</i><br>


    Fair enough. *smile* Normally I use fill-flash outside. It was cloudy/overcast most of the time we were there, so I chose to leave it off, maybe I should have left it on, as I usually do use flash even on cloudy days. Do you think that would have helped?

  13. This was a First Communion I did in May for a 13 year old girl and her family.

    No flash allowed, so ISO for church were in the vicinity of 640 and 1250 most of

    the time. I had 3 lenses a Sigma 20-40 f/2.8, my Nikon 50 f/1.8 and Sigma 105

    f/2.8.... <p>


    Afterwards we went to a religious park called Lasalette Shrine and then onto the

    families home to record the cake, and festivities.


    These are just a few of about 300 images from that day. I'm curious as to what

    others think. The family loves them and that's the most important thing, but

    I'd like to get the opinions of other photographers.


    The link:<br>


  14. Check to see if you have the noise reduction setting accidently turned on. If this setting is turned on, longer shutter speeds will cause the noise reduction setting to kick in, and the delay while processing can be excruciatingly long.
  15. This question is for Aaron or David.... how is the print quality from SmugMug? I've been doing my own research, and have been hesitant to jump into any online proofing/order fulfillment company because of the expense and also because I like the lab that I'm using (WHCC)......


    I currently create an online proofing gallery using my own site and I print contact sheets for my clients. They email or call in their orders... I invoice them using Paypal Email wizard through my QuickBooks.... It seems to be working out well....... and I only have to pay the 2.9% fee.


    SmugMug seems almost perfect except like you Aaron, I don't want to spend too much time fixing images that are not possibly going to even be ordered. And I'd prefer to use MY lab.....

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