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Image Comments posted by johnfriar

  1. Tim,
    Cliche or not, I like this image. I think the composition is quite clever and takes it a step beyond cliche. The arrangement of trees provides a structure to the image that provides more interest than the walker and sun alone. From left to right, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th trees frame the 2nd, 4th, and 6th tree. The framing trees also have a different shape and in a different plane that enhances the effect.
    There are just a couple of, very minor, things that would further enhance the image for me. First, I think the sun is not needed and maybe a little distracting. Second, it would be great (possibly by lowering the camera) to see the legs of the walker and dog silhouetted. Neither of these things may have been possible at the time and are nitpicking an already good image.

  2. I think this may actually be a composite of 4 images (sky, birds, person, right shoe). The image would make an interesting advertising piece for a shoe manufacturer but, for me, conveys very little emotion simply because it looks unreal/unlikely.



  3. Everyone, Thanks for all your feedback.


    Louis, no need to delete. You did a good job with the tone adjustment given that it's a fairly highly compressed JPEG (there are clearly visible artifacts in the sky of the original.) I think the lighter mid-tones are an improvement and remove some of the harshness that Siegfied mentioned.


    As for the crop...this is almost identical to a crop I made in order to print this in a 10x8 format (about the same off the left, less off the bottom). I'm not sure which I prefer, but I'm happy that you have chosen to experiment a little with my photo. Thanks John.

    I see you!


    Thankyou all for your comments. This shot was taken in a town park under tall trees. This accounts for the patchy light. I have worked on the image a little, with some dodging on the boy facing us. It's a very minor change but I think it improves the image.


    ... I am a duck

    I like the angle -- it seems to add to the chaos of the market. The brightest spot is the sky in the background that tends to pull your eyes out of the scene. Maybe burning this a little and dodging the children (you know what I mean!) would help.


    Great perspective and exposure. Sure, the people could be in better positions, but still a nice photo. I think it's even stronger with the suspension structure (top right) cropped out, but that's subjective!


    Marc, your comments and critisism are most welcome -- no need to be sorry. I'm working on a different version that I hope to post soon. John
  4. Paul,

    Thanks for stopping by and looking at my photo's. And yes, it was raining the day I visited, in January of this year.


    I took a look at your work and love what you've done. Especially Canary Wharf Tube Station. The combination of HP5+/Wide-Angle/Architecture works very well and something that I'm experimenting with alot recently.


  5. Thanks for the feedback and ratings! In response, I created a modified image that's also in my Singles folder.


    Marc, I agree that this image could be made much stronger if there were more emphasis on the face floating. Unfortunately, my Photoshop skills are somewhat limited, hence the different interpretation in the modified image. I also took into account the square format here, which I think works well. However, I do disagree about the reasoning behind the originality scoring(although I think your marks are generous!) How does this argument apply to anything manmade. Should architectural photography be downgraded on originality because the photographer is not the architect? I think what should be judged is the originality of the approach to the subject at hand.

  6. Jason, your first instinct is correct. This is a shadow cast by the mountains to the left. The full frame includes extra foreground only so I'm not sure if it would be any more enlightening if I included it.


    Thanks for your feedback and ranking some of my other images.

  7. Ellen, thanks for your comment on my British Museum photo!

    I like this one alot. I think the only thing that for me would make it better is an extra row of bricks below the bottom windows, just to balance out with the top. I really like the texture of the wall.

  8. I'm interetsed in any feedback at all. There have been over 2 hundred

    visits to this image, but only one rating! This leads me to believe

    that the image may be boring (although I don't think so, so may be

    that says something about me) or that I have so far just found an

    unappreciative audiance.


    What I like about it is that perhaps more related to the historical

    significance. Karl Marx, and many other famous people, studied in

    this library. The library was also very influential for the design of

    other libraries around the world at that time.

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