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bob fowler

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Image Comments posted by bob fowler


    As I AM a cat lover! Beautiful picture of a beautiful kitty. I love the camera angle. My only negative about this is that the scan looks (at least to me) to be over sharpened. Great job!

    Treacle the kitten

    But I think you did a great job! As a TLR shooter and cat owner, I know how tough it can be to use one to get good cat portraits. I like your choice of camera position and the expression on the cats face. You didn't specify which lens you used... was it by chance the 105 or 135?


    My complements on capturing a fantastic pose and expression. My ONLY negative is that I would have liked the background a bit darker. I like the highlighting in her hair and the colors of her costume. Great job!

    Blue Wife

    Is that the real color of the background or did you PS that in? I agree with Tom that you should try working with one light for while (OK, you can use a reflector as well...) and experiment with some higher ratios. I also have to agree with Richard, you're lucky your wife will stand still for a camera, all I ever see through the viewfinder is a snear.......
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