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Image Comments posted by SolaresLarrave


    Con todo, el foco no es absolutamente necesario en este caso porque el efecto es impresionante de por sí. Gracias por subir esta foto!
  1. May not be a street shot because it was taken in a public park...


    I like it. This young woman is acting like a child, as if she were

    finding herself in the shiny surface of "The Bean" (aka "Cloudgate")

    at Millenium Park, Chicago.

  2. Opinions, reactions, encouragements...? Also, a question: should I

    crop the man on the right? I like it as it is (there's a kind of

    promising discontinuity in the player who didn't quite make it into

    the frame), but I'd like to hear opinions first. Thanks!

    Chairs and the Man


    Thomas, thanks for your suggestion! I hadn't consider it but I will try and see how this shot looks in vertical format.


    Kris... my reason for this shot was the repetition of the chairs. I simply wanted to have them in the foreground and, while I was deciding whether to take the photo or not, the man happened to walk by and that did it for me.


    Do all street shots have to tell a story? I dunno... but it's a good standard. I'll take it as an editorial suggestion. Thanks for your comment!

  3. Vacation snapshot, basically, with some artsy pretentions. I simply

    didn't want to make the run-of-the-mill photo, with the statue

    horizontally in the foreground, so I chose a slanted view. I'd

    appreciate your ratings, critiques and reactions. Thanks!!

  4. I wish I could say I'm on my way to get some good street shots... I'm

    trying, though, but I'd like to know if this one can count as an

    achievement compared to much of what I've done before.


    BTW, this was taken indoors, inside the Mercado Central in San José, a

    large building full of people (vendors and customers) of all kinds.

  5. I appreciate the implicit advice, Marcos. In fact, shortly after reading it I had a chance to return to CR and redo this shot. This time, I metered the intermediate shadows and adjusted the camera accordingly. As soon as I get around to do it, I'll post it here for you to see.
  6. I must admit you're right. This is not a flattering photo. As to the detail about the wide angle lens... No, I didn't know about it until a long time after I posted this photo. Your comments are not brutal, I'm simply not used to them. Sorry about overreacting. I'll delete this photo soon anyway.
  7. No need to be this brutal here. To answer your questions, I took the photo, got it developed and posted it in the critique forum because I'm interested in learning (not to become a pro, I already have a day job). After taking this snapshot I wound up viewing a series of Street Photo books, and I noticed that most street photography is done with a wide angle lens and showing some elements that provide information about the circumstances of the image. I'm applying those principles to my current photos (when I have the chance to take some). I would have appreciated your comment a lot more had you been kind enough to suggest doing this instead.


    It's a bit too dark and "smothers" her face in an otherwise decent portrait. Maybe you want to add some PS light to help the model stand out against the background (which is, by the way, very appropriate).
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