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Image Comments posted by jim_c

    Brave girl

    Hello Sabrina, at first your age puzzled me. Then I clicked on you name and it all made sense. Kathleen is 10 years old and she loves cat's like I think you might. I'll let he know about you and show her your picture.

    Brave girl

    While I like her expression I'm not sure about how over exposed the lake water and sky is behind her. Does this fact ruin this photo?. Or has it become an issue because I simply pointed out something you wouldn't have noticed. Well?

    Autumn Rose

    I really like this photo. If you had not composed and exposed it the way you have done, I wouldn't care for it. A good example of how talent makes it happen, congrats to you.
  1. Constructive criticism? Oh please, it's the I was only trying to help, defense. To Construct implies to build or create. The other folks that left comments served up their advise alittle differently. Review their comments for a lesson in constructive criticism. And these are people that have posted photographs, which you oddly have not done.

    I can take critism, just not the unjustified hatefull kind. I offer criticism and praise on a daily basis. Which makes me wonder if this is more about your disagreeing with one or more critique's I've done on this site. And this is your way of teaching me a lesson, to set me straight.


    Portraits are about a relationship between the subject and the artist. Photographers coax, direct and employ different techniques to create a certain visible temperament in the portrait. This appears as pose, eye contact, gesture and that ephemeral quality of emotion.


  2. Giving her the flowers worked very well indeed. This is a very nice portrait, well done!

    Interesting film choice, I just tried a roll of agfa xps160 portrait film for a client friend, very nice stuff.


    Well part of the art in photography is knowing when to press the shutter, because the the moment is right, and when not to because the moment is not right. You are the director in charge of center stage. Likely this moment hold's more value to you, because you experienced it. Just my 2 cents.
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