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Image Comments posted by jim_c

  1. I have paid attention to review's of this professional portrait film and some of those reviews pointed to a lack of coloration in flesh tones. I did not think it would be something I'd notice so much, but I do.




    Behn, your not discouraging me at all, your giving me some insite on your opinion. Which I am glad you have done and welcome other's to do as well. After all I'd rather learn something here, than have a client think these things to themselves and not return in the future or not tell a friend about me.


  2. Michael, I aggree with you about the face. Since I did nothing in photo shop other that add a very slight amount of magenta. Since I did not get prints made with this roll, I do not have a print to look at to compaire to the scan. I plan to have them make a 8x12 of this one and will see then how the facial details look.


  3. I had this developed (no prints) and scanned to CD on a fuji frontier

    system at walmart ($6.97!). Looking for comments in general and

    expecially for anything you see that could be classified as, "nit

    picking". I'm not sure how I feel about this film, (fist time using

    it). Please back up a rating 0f 4 or lower with a comment or don't

    bother to rate at all.

  4. Thanks Emma for your comments. I think you may be right about the scan. The lab that scanned this roll didn't have the best scanner, (it top's out at 300dpi). Your right about the focus issue, I didn't notice that, thanks. I'll have to check the print and see if it's that way to.


    I like her expression and the lighting. But their's to much dead space to the left, which would be easy to fix. She's a cutie, do take more of her.

    I'm a star!

    Well ummm, she's not sorry at all, that's a pickle she's finishing off, not a hand to mouth gesture for saying she's sorry or opps. Glasses are a chessey halloween costume prop. Trust me, she's my daughter, the title is spot on.
  5. Please forgive me for the specks from the scanner, I still haven't

    learned how to clean things up.


    Natural light, with a umbrela shading him from direct sunlight.

    Developed by a local prolab as I was not happy with Kodak.

    I like it and so did the client. But what could I have done better.


    If you rate it below 5 please tell me why in comments or send me a



    Nice picture, I don't care for his expression and one eye is closed more than the other which draws to much attention (IMHO). Great depth of field and exposure.

    Having Fun!

    The best comment I deliver to you, is to simply say this photo capture's a great deal of the photographic talents I someday hope to give myself and others. Well done!
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