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Image Comments posted by bozovic

  1. A cold day after Christmas. Again here the fog and the snow did their best to make the tower of the city hall disappear. There were some changes in Photoshop to make a working person disappear. That's all.


    Hope you like it and are willing to critique.


    Thanks in advance!

  2. Very nice picture. Although there is some blue cast in the foreground I'd like to see it on my wall ;) Perhaps, as already mentioned, a compromise between the original and the modified version would be the best. Did you think about removing the dropshadow behind the letters? It would make the picture "cleaner".
  3. Thanks for the comments! This distortions isn't actually one, it's the effect of the "wide" angle. I thought of correcting it but the again the opera would also be displaced and hence I left it as it was. But I'll try to fix it and perhaps I will repost.
  4. This was shot on a quite cold December day last year. After Christmas in Vienna it was snowing so the objects in background seem a bit faded due to snow but also fog.


    Critiques are very welcome and if you want to rate, feel free to do so!





    Bas fina slika, svidja mi se! Lepe boje i dobra ideja slikati i reflekcije na staklu. Mozda bi samo malo trebao da osvetlis donji deo i mozda i da uramis sliku. :)


    For english speakers:

    A very nice picture. I like it! Nice colours and good idea of photographing the mirrored image. Perhaps you should dodge the lower part and frame this picture. :)





    Uopste bi ja rekao da treba blize da pridjes ljudima da bi bile slike sa atmosferom. To vazi za sve slike u ovom folder-u. Slikati sa deset metara razdaljine jeste neupadljivo ali jednostavno nesto fali onda tim slikama. Ako neko prosi ili slicno, daj mu neku kintu ali pitaj prvo dali smes da slikas. Ne mora te gledati dok slikas, moze i gledati na stranu. Tema je zaista teska, ne samo tehnicki nego i emotivno, tako da je u glavnom veoma tesko i napraviti dobre slike. Mozda bi mogao pokusati da slikas sa crno-belim flimom tako da se gledaoc samo koncentrise na fotografisan subjekat a ne mnogo na okolinu u kojoj se vide i neke upadljive boje. Necu da kazem da umem sve to bolje da uradim ali eto, samo da mozda dam kao neki savet. Ako hoces i imas vremena, pogledaj i moje slike i daj neki komentar. Vazno mi je vise sta ljudi misle o slici a ne kakve su mi ocene.


    Pozdravi mi Beograd

    Pozdrav i tebi



    The lighting on the face is good and so is the expression. The bright background is too much and also the picture should be a tad sharper. Try to focus on the eyes and use f-stop 2.5 to get a sharper image near the edges (since the subject is off-center). You could also use the same setup but place the subject in the middle and use f-stop 1.8 to obtain sharp eyes but the rest of the image slightly blurred.
  5. Nice perspective also here. But you could add more darkness around the church to emphasize the "holy light" which, as an expression, is really cool :) I like your framing and the signature below the image.
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