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Image Comments posted by bozovic


    The "yellow pages" add a dreamy color to the picture going from warm to cold. As Anthony said, it'd make a wonderful cover for books which have pollution as theme.
  1. The picture is nice and well composed too! I like the colors. The fact that it is underexposed is what I do not like. Perhaps you could have dodged the dark parts a little bit in Photoshop. Also I would prefer a slightly bigger image. I'd say originality 6, aesthetics 7, tech 5 which makes a good average of 6.

    The fact that it is done with a consumer film is wort a 0.5 => 6.5 total ;)

  2. This pic looks okay but for me it's simply too small to be rated! One can see nothing. I must admit that my resolution is quite high but anyhow, some pixels more would be nice.


    Oh, and I, personally, would prefer a neutral grey to sepia.

  3. Absolutely lovely image :) I just like it because it so sweet and I completely overlook every technical detail because it simply does not matter here. Congratulations for your daughter and also for the picture! :)
  4. Very clever answer ;)

    I really like this one. The dark, static buildings which themselves express some kind of power and might (to me at least) against the moving background of a wonderful, deep blue and bright white. Although the static things are a bit gloomy and dark, the sky fits perfectly into this picture and gives vividness! (8/8)

  5. This is one of few photos which I really like in my portfolio.There was some minor manipulation in Photoshop although I tried to leave everything as is. If you notice some vignetting effects then it's because I simply mounted the wrong lens hood!


    Any comments, whether positive or negative, would be appreciated.

  6. Very expressive! Could be Martin Luther King or someone like him :) I like the composition (framing with the two heads) and also the exposure. The frame you have added is also working very well! Like some of your other Cartier-Bresson imitations, a pleasure to look at!
  7. The near to the gull surprises me but I don't like the vignetting. Overall it seems a bit dark.

    Did you do any manipulation in photoshop? Perhaps this would help a little bit to "clean". The picture itself is really cool, especially because the gull is so big ;)

  8. Hm. I like the water. Perhaps it is a bit to dark on the lefthand corner but I like it. It is not too much "washed away" (e.g. too long exposure times), one can still see details. Btw. what was this, 1/15? The yellow stain in the middle, is this a leaf or a reflection?
  9. I really like the short dof, the sharp eyes and the expression on the childs faces. Like quite every of your portraits, fascinating. It always puts me in mood to abuse someone for portraits ;)
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