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Image Comments posted by randall_shafer

    purple lady

    Very strong geometric composition with a nice color bonus. The only suggestion I could make would be to crop a little closer to reduce the amount of negative space on the borders. Don't eliminate it, just reduce it so you get a bit larger central image.
  1. Reflection shots can be great but they need a strong subject. The bush is distracting and muddles the strong lines of the building. If the shot could have been taken a little farther along to isolate the building and make it a strong subject, it might be more effective. Try turning these shots upside down for an interesting effect.

    The Bath

    Nice composition. Try blending out the background a bit more so the lines don't compete with the model, or even eliminate it entirely and go to a white background.

    Istrian nude

    The tight background and diffused lighting makes the image look very flat. A tight crop like this doesn't have any drama when the model has to compete with such a busy background. I'd shoot the same pose against a black background with more directional light, perhaps from very high and almost behind, to accent the dimensions of the body and add deep, dramatic shadows.


    Nice composition but the path leads to.... ?? Personally, I would have set the self-timer and run out to the distance to show a shadowy figure in the mist. Would have given the shot more interest.
  2. Please learn to turn your camera vertical when shooting a vertical subject. A potentially fun subject to shoot with a wide-angle lens, but I'd concentrate on the eyes rather than the nose. Needs some more light or fill flash to brighten the eyes.
  3. It can be hard with infrared to get a balance between light and dark areas. I think the dark upper half of the image unbalances it and the symmetrical treatment of the perspective also hurts-- The churchyard is too far away and looks out of focus, removing interesting subject matter on the left half of the print. Would love to see more shots of this subject from different angles.


    A great start but the subject is too centered and when using reflections, it really helps to show more of what is generating the reflection. Good example of the effect done well is in "Unbreakable" where the entire scene of the young Isiah interacting with his mother is shot entirely in the reflection of an old TV set screen. Fun shot.
  4. Static, centered subject, way too much negative space, distracting elements on the right, and the child (is it a child?) should be the real subject. This type of photo can be fun if the perspective of a wide-angle is used to show both duckie and child in focus, but with the size of duckie exaggerated. The harsh bokeh rendition of the person further detracts.


    A good start for what could have been a great street photo. Wouldn't it have been great if there was someone leaning against the wall bhind the statue? Or even facing the wall?
  5. This photo is a classic example of why there are compositional "rules" in photography. Not that they are "laws" but that using them can improve images and make them more pleasing to the eye. Here is a world-famous scene that is rendered in a completely dull and uninteresting way through a static, centered composition and flat perspective. Neither the city or the cows are rendered large enough to make them dominate as subjects, so instead they compete. This photo desperately needs a change in perspective, composition and magnification.
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