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Image Comments posted by drymanphoto



    I'm not sure how you tried to darken the sky. May I suggest using the Adjust_Levels sliders. Try playing around with the middle slider and go to each individual color and just making some adjustments. I hope you don't mind, but I tried this with your photo and here's what I got.


    Lily Pads

    This is an interesting photo. Do you have a polorizing filter? If you didn't want all the refections and just wanted the lillies, that would be the way to go. A warming filter might also help.

    Southern Indiana

    Eric, this looks a lot like where I live in Pennsylvania. Looks a little too red or magenta to me. I'd try lowering either one of those just a tad. I'd also crop out that dark portion in the lower left corner. JMHO

    Wet Iris

    I love the clarity and the beauty of your subject. I think it would make a stronger image if the entire bottom petal was shown or if you cropped in more, making the central part of the flower covering more of the frame. JMHO
  1. Beautiful photo. I just wonder if it might look even better, with some of the bottom cropped off, so that, the water doesn't end quite so much in the very corner of the frame. I think this would give the rest of the photo more appeal.
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