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Image Comments posted by drymanphoto

    Night (II)

    I really like this one and think it looks great when it's covering my whole screen. A great screen saver or large print. Like the moodiness and subtle colors.


    You could go blind shooting these. I really like the reflection in the water. The lens flare is a bit distracting or interesting, depending on your outlook. I find it a little distracting and would probably remove it. The people add an interesting dimension to a shot usually taken without people. Too bad they are so scattered, because I like the two right at the base of the reflection.
  1. So sweet of you to have a folder for me. How do I deserve this? I will do my best. I think this one is my favorite. I love clouds, as you can see from my photos on here. I would probably darken this a little, to bring out more of the colors.

    At Breakfast

    Very beautiful colors and composition in this shot. Also, a very pretty flower that would make a great subject for one of your photos, if you haven't already done so.



    A very interesting and colorful bug. I also like that little plant in front of it. Reminds me of a tree. I knew this could be improved upon in PS, at least to my tastes. Here is my result, as I increased the contrast slightly and decreased the brightness some.

  2. It looks like your patients paid off on this shot. I think that's often what it takes to get a good shot and then to improve upon a previous idea. The only thing that could be improved on in thos photo, is the focus on the moth/butterfly, which would not be an easy thing to accomplish, although a greater depth of field might help.

    Teeth of Dragon?

    A great idea, but with not the greatest lighting. I hope my comments are not too harsh. Just trying to help, if I can. A reflector might have helped to bounce some light onto the bottom of this flower.


    An unusual flower for me to see. I like the colors, but would like to see the center of the flower in better focus. The bottom pedals are in great focus, but the center is where your eye naturally goes, so seeing it blurry, makes it less appealing.
  3. Great color in the flower, but the angle and the focusing seem to be a little off. The background actually looks like it may be in better focus than the flower, itselt. Would be nicer to have it more blurred and the flower in good focus.


    I really like the composition in this shot. The saturation is not so good. It looks like it was taking in very bright sun and slightly over exposed.


    I love the colors in this one and the background is great. I think it could be cropped a little at the top and maybe the bottom, for an even stonger photo.


    This is a very beautiful subject and background, although I think it looks much better when you crop off the top third of it, getting rid of the bright, highlighted flower at the top of the frame. You have a very good eye for beauty.
  4. I love this flower. A very pretty subject, indeed. I also like how you managed to get the background black, but what I'm not crazy about is the sharpness. This could be something that could be improved with sharpening, in a photo editing program. I tried it, and it did help quite a bit.

    Too Heavy!!

    Thank you for your critique of my tulip. I understand your comments about not wanting the butterfly to look to sharp/rigid. Sometimes sharpening does make the photo look less natural, even though it is more sharp and not exactly over-sharpened. As far as getting this image sharp, when you are handholding your camera. That's not an easy way to shoot something like this. A tripod and a longer lens would probably help you the most here. Also a combination of a fast enough shutter speed to stop all the motion, of you and the butterfly, but still a small enough aperture to get everything you want, to be in focus. A good flash unit could also allow you to shoot at a higher speed, if you didn't have enough light to do this or needed more depth of field. If the eyeball was in focus, I'm not sure it would matter if everything else was in perfect focus.
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