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Posts posted by unclebuddha

  1. I wish Photo.net would install the same upload capability as some other websites whereby you can upload your full file and the website will size it according

    to their space constraints. I usually have photos to post here from my E-PL5 but don't because I have to get into PS and resize them down to photo.net's


    The last picture I posted just showed up as a link because I was on a business trip and couldn't access my home computer (and PS).


    Back to lurking...

  2. <p>Well, there IS a microSD slot so you don't have to clog your phone's memory. I think Sony beat us to this with their very own phone-mounted lens system (it wasn't interchangeable but let's face it, with m4/3 the camera is usually NOT the lion's share of the bulk). I might buy one used just to play with it. It might be fun to put the lens cap wide angle on it and have it in your pocket.</p>
  3. Thanks folks. I wasn't able to get any really good photographs since I was there to attend a motocycle rally at The Hub and we spent our

    days riding the fabulous back roads of NW Arkansas. I got snapshots at best, certainly nothing I'd post to p* ... But I'm planning on going

    back since the place was really gorgeous, MUCH nicer than I thought it would be (and I'm from Kentucky).

  4. Here's what I've got: CS3, E-PL5 shooting jpegs + orf files, Adobe orf to dng conversion program. In the recent past, I was able to

    process orf files into dng files so I could post process in CS3. Last night, I used the Adobe converter to make dngs from orfs. BUT CS3

    wouldn't open them. Just told me that the file type was unrecognized.


    I'll say I'm more of a go out and shoot type of person than a sit behind the computer chimping type. That's why I've never taken the time

    to upgrade CS3, it does enough.


    Now I throw myself at your mercy, both for the Digital Darkroom question in the Oly forum and for not being able to figure this out for

    myself. Jeez.


    Any advice? Upgrade to CS online? User the Olympus software (which will take me forever to learn)?

  5. Instead of starting a new thread I thought I'd just piggyback on here. I have the 14-42 kit lens but don't use it much. I got

    the Panny 14/2.5 and 20/1.7 and use them exclusively. Especially the 14, it is so tiny it makes the camera a joy to travel

    with and takes great pictures.

    A question: Oly sells two 40-150 4-5.6 lenses, on is marked "Zuiko" one is "M Zuiko". Can someone tell me the

    difference? The M Zuiko is $120 refurbished, the Zuiko is $280 so there must be a difference!


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