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Image Comments posted by seancrane


    The comments on this web site drive me nuts sometimes. It's as if to be a good photo the focus has to be tack sharp, there can't be any dutching or "tilting" of an image, no vignettiing, no de-saturation or hypersaturation of colors, no harsh lighting (as in your shot of the two girls), and god forbid if you ignore the rule of thirds, etc, etc, etc. In other words, no room for artisitic expression. Aesthetically, everything in this image works great for me. The tilt, the vignette, the soft edges of the body. Whether or not the idea is original doesn't matter to me, I find this image to be very visceral and pleasant to look at. Nicely done.


    Jill, I like all of your stuff, but especially this shot (I also really like the close-cropped, angled shot of the boy and girl, also in this folder.) I tend to disagree with the above posters. I'm not sure why there needs to be any more meaning than a well captured, cool shot of a little girl. The cropping is real nice as is, and background is a pleasing almost solid color that, with the narrow dof and blurred foreground heads, draws all the focus to the girl's face. Very nice.

    le tour

    To answer your question, yes, it's a very nice photo. Granted, you're starting with a cool looking statue (or whatever it is), but you captured it very well. Good composition, nice colors, great angle.

    Light my fire

    I'm curious as to how this image was created. I make my living in advertising, and about ten years ago I hired a photographer to shoot a sea of matches with only one lit, somewhere in the middle. It was a cover shot for the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union safety procedures brochure, the point being that if you wait until you have a problem before taking safety seriously, it's too late. The shot looked very much like this one. Anyway, we had hundreds of flame retardant matchheads and only one that could be lit. Is that how you did this shot, with a little wind from the right? Or was it really a chain reaction that you caught on film? Incidentally, I do like the shot.


    I love this shot. Not a new concept, but excellent execution. Great colors and texture, not to mention a great face. It has a very vintage feel to it, as if it could have been taken in 1940.
  1. I like the cropping and the washed out colors both. For a bridge that's photographed as much as it is, it's nice to see a shot where the bridge is part of the landscape and not front and center. The long horizontal works great for this. The less than vibrant color palette due to the heavy air gives me a nice sense place.
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