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Everything posted by twmeyer

  1. <p>any of the current craze of parabolic modifiers should accomplish the "pool of light" it seems you're looking for... I have used both the <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=&sku=820996&gclid=CPTd_JiKnMECFbPm7AodUzAAng&Q=&is=REG&A=details">Westcott Orb</a> and <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?N=10682819&InitialSearch=yes&sts=pi">Apollo</a> for such an effect. The Orb has a grid that would certainly deliver this result. One of the best attributes of the Softliter is it's removable shaft, which facilitates close placement to the subject. I'm pretty sure that's why it is often<a href=" employed by one of the great portraitists of our times, </a>and it gives good edge... t</p><div></div>
  2. <p>The old Redwing Quick-stand was good. Unless a drunk falls on it. I have the large version still, and it is quite robust.</p> <p>I replaced the small version (after the drunk crushed one leg) with a <a href="https://www.dennymfg.com/ProductDetailsNew1.aspx?PId=af85a5f8-f397-4ee9-934d-2508bf779794&PTId=a49b9a28-32db-4529-b199-81bcb86d2c04">Denny EZ Stand</a>, which is not as good. I use them when transporting a small light and small umbrella at an event or when using a small light to photograph interiors quickly. They work well in crowded rooms, or when a set up light and modifier needs to be carried from one room to another.<br> <br />This post does seem like a clumsy and somewhat devious sales pitch. I'm not interested, primarily because of your sales technique, "Eric"... t<br /><br /></p>
  3. <p>Avenger min-boom specs at B&H = Maximum extension: 83.46"<br />Kupo baby boom: Maximum extension: 94.49".<br /><br /></p>
  4. <p>I need an new enclosure: 4 bay, USB3, JBOD, not RAID. Any suggestions? Thanks... t</p>
  5. <p>The light on the end of the boom in the above picture is a hot light, and is therefore much lighter than a strobe with even a 36in Octa softbox, especially if you use a mono-light (as opposed to a pack and head system, or speedlights). <br /><br />I use a turtle base c-stand and mini-boom by Kupo, with the appropriate sandbag(s) to counter the weight of whatever head/modifier I have mounted.<br /><br />You need pretty good upper body/arm strength to raise and lower such a rig... t</p>
  6. <p>I hope you have a picture of yourself in this rig... t</p>
  7. <p>You <em>can</em> post a link to the website that has photos that employ this effect. It could be a zoomed, gridded or snooted flash as Craig says, or it could be a vignette or other post-production effect... t</p>
  8. The Bowens softbox is excellent . Thanks Ellis. And B and H knocked it out of the park. Their customer service is shockingly good. Seriously…t
  9. <p>I don't use crates or louvers. If I need greater edge control I have binder clips and cine foil. <br /><br />What I need is a good, basic soft box with removeable inner baffle and front diffusion panel, that won't rip on it's second mounting, or it's 200th. One that will maintain a neutral color for that same period of time (white is a fine description of a color, in my world:^) ... t</p>
  10. <p>yes, some of those are the very questions I would like to have answered by someone who has actually seen or used one of these soft boxes.<br /><br />The specific <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/750865-REG/Dynalite_RBRR_4056_Octagon_Box_from_Rime.html">box I am looking</a> at is priced less than the comparable sizes in Chimera and others. It is not the cheapest, but I don't want the cheapest. <br /><br />I want the best compromise between insanely expensive and deservedly cheap. I'd like to get 4 or 5 years out of it, maintaining color consistency throughout it's usable life.<br /><br />Looking at Bowens (thanks Ellis) and Rime... t</p>
  11. <p>I'm particularly interested in hearing about anyone's first hand understanding and impressions of the build quality and color consistency of the <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/750865-REG/Dynalite_RBRR_4056_Octagon_Box_from_Rime.html">Rime rectangular boxes</a> (made by <a href="http://rimelite.com/wordpress/?product=rectangular">the Korean company Rime</a>, distributed in the USA by Dynalite), not so much their "Grand" parabolic boxes. <br /><br />Thanks... t<br /><br />(Subtle and clever jokes about Rime website ad copy are expected, within Photo.net standards :^)</p>
  12. <p>(that's really two lights, Brooks :^) ... t</p><div></div>
  13. <p>every person (subject) is different, and there are many types of singular light sources. See Irving Penn, Richard Avedon just for a start. Sometimes one bare head is great, other times it's the open sky with your subject just inside the door. <br /><br />One light is my preferred. Two if I really think the background is an issue without it... t</p>
  14. Amazing. I had no idea it took so much gear to make a daylight portrait. I wonder how August Sander got *anything* done… t
  15. <p><a href="http://www.scion.com/cars/xB2014/?siteid=SEA_Product|xB|Evergreen+Terms_google_scion%20xb&pid=google_Product|xB|Evergreen+Terms_xB_Exact_scion%20xb_e&mkwid=EXvWzO1W&gclid=CM_foeOL4r8CFQgLaQodPQEApw&pkw=scion+xb&pmt=e">Scion Xb</a>... t<br /><br /></p>
  16. <p>At this point, I'd be very tempted to engage a lawyer to send a cease and desist copyright violation warning to them. You <em>do</em> own the copyright, and it sounds as if they have nothing. That "breach of confidence" goes both ways.<br> But there is a serious lesson to be learned in this... t</p>
  17. <p>Don't be afraid to say no thank you. It's a more professional and plain old polite thing to do, than taking the job and losing money while jeopardizing your gear and reputation... t</p>
  18. <p>You still haven't mentioned how this will be paid for, and actually, your last response indicates you need to re-read William's post. He raises many critical issues that, if not addressed, will certainly turn this do-able project into a train wreck.<br /><br /> Another thing not considered, is how far the printer will be from the point of photography, how the image files will bridge that physical distance, or where your client/subjects will pick up their prints and how /if they will be paying for them. These two aspects will consume a lot of time.<br /><br />I only conduct events like this in which the subject does not select the image nor do they pay for the print. My client pays for time on site, my staff and any prints over an anticipated quantity. <br /><br />I have a printer, and rent a backup, that makes a 4x6 print in 15 seconds. My best/average speed to photograph each person/group is 60 seconds. I have worked this way for up to 4 hours straight. If the math shows this rate of photography will not meet the demand of the crowd, a second photographer is added to the job (meaning a finished photograph is made every 30 seconds). See William's math to understand what these real world numbers should mean to you... t</p>
  19. Thanks for that link Mark. Any insight regarding Avedon's creative process is highly valued… t
  20. As long as it's not used for commercial purposes. If the person is simply represented as a person at a wedding on a personal web page, the odds are in your favor. Just don't sell an image of the bride/father dance for use in an ED advertisement… t
  21. <p>D800... two card slots. Got it. You'll want to size them jpgs waaay down... t</p>
  22. <p>Since you're printing, you'll just need the JPGs, and you should size them (in camera) for your needs, no larger. For this reason, I use a camera with two card slots, one for jpg, one for raw... Every wifi transfer system I've used chokes at the speed I work this type of job. I hand cards (I have dozens) to an assistant that hand delivers them to the laptop/printer. Wifi is too unreliable to risk losing a bunch of portraits, or delaying them so the client is unhappy... t<br /><br />I'd love to talk with you about this type of work (off line), especially if you've discovered some way to dependably transmit jpgs over a hotel's wifi, or set up your own (consistently robust) ad hoc network that a camera will actually stay connected to... I've found they tend to stray to other networks, which leaves the supposedly receiving computer in the dark. <br /><br />Nikon? or Canon?</p><div></div>
  23. Umbrella boxes are more resistant to wind. Umbrella make excellent sails/kites… t
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