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Image Comments posted by havanai

    Diner 66

    I think this image does need a person in it. Too bad you got stuck with the one you got. There wasn't any time to wait for or go look for a cowboy, was there. Congrats on seeing the beauty of this scene and making the effort to capture it well.


    Well-seen and captured. Yes, beautiful light. Too bad the people are in the road though. Did you take another exposure a minute later, after they'd walked out of the frame?


    This is a beautiful photograph, but that leaf in the background does not enhance it. The leaf is a distraction that draws one's eye away from the marvelously captured subject, the flower in the foreground.

    Oldage Home . . .

    This image of two hands needs more context. Without the title to explain it, it doesn't have much appeal. It's two hands on a black background. So what? It would be better if these two hands were reaching for each other in a shallow depth-of-field photograph that showed the environment sufficiently out-of-focus so as not to be distracting, only informative.


    Eye-catching portrait. Nicely seen and captured. You say it was "spontaneous". The hightlights in his eyes look like a lightbox or rectangular umbrella diffusing a flash unit. Did you set up lighting or was there a skylight or something that was the rectangular source of the lights in his eyes?


    Ron, This photograph has a lot going for it: yes, beautiful eyes, beautiful tones overall, and you've also nicely captured the highlights on the ringlets of her hair. But I think her hands ruin the photograph. They are too big relative to her face, the real focal point of the image. Also, a child of this age in thumb-sucking position is not appealing. And the three fingertips of her right hand protruding from the bottom of the frame are eye-catching, when they shouldn't be. I hope this girl is your daughter, or at least someone whom you can photograph again, because she looks like a lovely subject and one who is pretty comfortable with you making photographs of her. Regards, Kurt

    Patagonia VII

    The rating system does not have holes. People just have different preferences and aesthetics. This is an incredibly beautiful scene with beautiful light falling on it, but to my eye (on my monitor) it looks over-exposed. A quirk of computer-viewing perhaps. I'd love to see a print. This photograph is still quite an achievement.

    Hide Me

    Nice sculptural nude, well-composed and softly lit, but....what are that thumb and the other intruding body part in the lower right doing there!?! I guess you're trying to do something original, but it doesn't work at all for me. Sorry.


    I agree with Henri. This is a superb photo of this cathedral. If you have another without the WC sign and light fixture please post it. I was going to give it 7/7 until I saw the modern street light. Then I chose not to rate it. Where is this?


    A model with incredible attributes, and nicely lit. But what the heck is that table doing jabbing her in the stomach!?! I haven't yet looked at the rest of your folder, but if you've wasted this model with that background...what a shame.

    Free away

    Surely there are more beautiful views of this golf course than this one with three white flag poles intruding on it. And it could have and should have been shot in better light...close to dawn or sunset, not this view on an overcast day. Maybe the photographer wanted to feature the flower in the foreground, but it is out of focus and cropped too closely at the bottom. The flower has some beautiful features to it. Then FEATURE it, shoot IT creatively, not as a distracting foreground element. What's this photo supposed to be about? The flower, the golf course, the flag poles? It uses none of them well.
  1. I think this is beautiful with its tones of blue. I think it would be improved by cropping from the sides to remove the seams between the hood and the fenders. Those are very distracting, especially so close to the edges of the image. Otherwise, it is a well-seen and well-executed image.
  2. Nicely exposed image with what could've been interesting silhouettes. However, I think you should've changed your position or asked the clam-digger to turn around so that the guy closest to you wasn't "mooning" you. It would've been better if you had him in profile (like the distant guy) or facing you. Even though he's a blackened silhouette, it's obvious he's sticking his butt out at the viewer.
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