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Image Comments posted by sandcruiser


    I like the gritty, dirty feet. Makes it look so much more real and less posed. Would like more detail in the rocks. The line of the leg does well at leading the eye from lower left to upper right.

    Follow me.


    interesting organic/industrial contrast

    what's the glow around the nuts? Other than that, I like the shot. I think that if you could get the lighting to naturally fall off to black instead of what I suspect is some photoshop, it would be a better photo. 5/5


    very nicely done... took a few seconds to figure it out. maybe a little sharper focus on the stamen? The soft fade-out effect is lovely, however. 6/6

    Gulls on the Beach


    thanks for the comments!

    regarding the crop: I agree, will try it and repost

    regarding the flash: I was shooting with a strobe trying to fill in a little bit on the birds in the foreground. Shot many frames and it popped on some, not on others.... dont' recall which is which. To me it looks as if it *didn't* fire on this frame. My goal with the flash was to help freeze the birds in the foreground and also give some fill-- the background birds were getting more natural light

    thanks again! cropped version coming soon



    funny.... I actually took the shot specifically to make a 3ft high poster for my wife's trade show booth!

    I agree that there is something in the color that needs fixing, I just can't figure out what it is :(


    I like the one colorfull face- adds a nice pop of color. The repetition of shapes in the tales is good too. Would like to see a little less space on the left or a little more on the right, just for balance.

    Flowing Colours

    I used to try this with gels and slides.... burned through more rolls of film creating useless images.... have got to get out and give it a try again with digital. Glad you posted! One question: did you leave the background foliage desaturated on purpose? Or was that an artifact of your pshopping? I think that in this image the extreme colorization works well in the water, but wouldn't mind seeing a slightly less intense version.



    the pose seems awfully formal to me. His expression is great, however.

    the high iso seems to have worked pretty well for you- the lighting is nice and soft

    You and Me


    good depth of field control, nice framing, well seen

    The tendrils look a touch overexposed on my screen.

    I like the way that the lower tendril starts near the bottom left, then leads my eye on a loop-de-loop upwards toward the top right


    excellent environmental potrait. would like to see less of the blown out upper left. yet maybe just a bit more of the subject's head.


    I like the way the blown-out white wall acts as a natural frame for the image... and that you kept plenty of detail on the inside. Then there is also the interior, organic contrasted with the concrete/brick exterior... great work!

    Portrait A

    I think you'll get closer to your goal if you had less foreground clutter, backed off a 2/3 step on the flash, and use a larger aperture. Alternately, back up and use a longer lens to get more subject isolation.


    evocative expression- both in the hands and face. A nice reminder that not everyone "over there" is weilding a weapon. The light falloff on the corners adds a feelign of intimacy to the photograph.


    I like the very strong flash... makes the bird really pop out from the background. Also makes the background seem almost black and white.
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