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Image Comments posted by sandcruiser



    Haven't got the energy to fully analyze the "why" behind it... but my gut reaction is that this is just a fantastic shot. I've been flipping back to it for the last few minutes, and each time I see it I'm moved.


    Thanks for sharing.

  1. Wonderful saturation and composition. The one person there makes the whole image seem much more important somehow. Very nice. The only thing I would change is the caption-- perhaps remove it, or at least make it smaller and/or off center so that it doesn't distract as much from the composition of the image.

    Just love those wavy lines progressing up the frame to the palms. Great job keeping the paddie edge in the frame as well.

  2. would like to see more or less of the steaming pool. As it stands now I feel like the edges must be just right off the frame and that detracts from the lovely coloaration and the interesting cloud formations
  3. great shot! there is something interesting to look at in every part of the frame except the upper right, which helps maintain some balance and keep the image from seeming too crowded.

    The red stripes in the foreground are a nice point at which the eye can begin looking around... but the almost-can't-see domes in the background are the part I like best- except for the color of the water, which is also excellent.

  4. cute kid. bad photo.

    what's with the focus?

    and how about those lines coming out of the head?

    Next time you might find that backing up and using a longer lens (zoom in) will help isolate the face from the background. It might also help with the focus problem as I suspect you were just too close.

  5. out of focus- using flash would have helped with the camera shake, and using a slightly smaller aperature would have given you more depth of field while blacking out the background.

    If you want the cake in the frame, put it in the frame, otherwise, get rid of the ugly box. Heck, get rid of the ugly box anyway and keep the cake in the frame.

    If the young girl moves to the left or right just a little bit, or if you move left or right and have each of them turn their heads a little bit, you can get all of her face (or at least all of her smile) into the image.



    posed. over compressed. uncomfortable looking (what is with the hat hitting the forhead?), out of focus.... Sorry, the best part of the image was the color on the water and you only barely caught that.
  6. I like it. The little bit of foliage in the foreground adds good depth and a sense of place. I might try cropping just a touch off of the top (think 8x10 instead of 8x12) as the open sky doesn't add anything to the composition in my opinion.



    great exposure and composition

    I'm most captivated by the stalk that is six from the left--- looks to me like a conductor from a Dr. Seuss book. Just Great.

    Standing Tall

    would like it even more if you cropped a little green out of the top of the frame. Good eye! Way to catch the interesting in what I assume was a field of repetition
  7. Patricia,


    I just love it when someone actually takes time to rework one of my shots... so very much more interesting than a mere comment.


    I wholeheartedly agree that the crop is a good move, but I'm not entirely sold on the monochrome- certainly in part due to a highly compressed jpeg.


    I'll agree, however, that there is more saturation in the original than needed- one downside to not shooting RAW is that you are a bit stuck with the color space you have set in the camera...


    Back to the monochrome: how do you desaturate? I'm not satisfied with any method I've used in photoshop so far. I do really like the preset "b&w" setting on my canon point and shoot A70, but alas, my Nikon D70 (and most DSLRs) lacks that feature. Bummer.



    reminds me of that Michael Jordon photo that was so popular 15 years ago-- the wing span one.


    I like the musculature of her neck/shoulders, but the pose in general evokes real discomfort and the hair obscuring her torso... don't like it.


    Technically, the photo is great! Nice tones, good contrast, sharp. Well executed.


    I like the out of focus purple and read elements. overall, the image is more grainy and less saturated than I would like.
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