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Image Comments posted by relaymod

  1. You're looking at the light from an actual laser, being fired from the MMTO telescope on Mt. Hopkins in Arizona. This laser is used for their adaptive optics. This thing is pretty cool - you can see it with the naked eye (though it looks grey) from miles away.


    this is very cool. there is a lot in this image to look at - the beautiful sky, the texture of the bricks, and the shadows visible through those windows! and then - what is the wall on the left? is it part of the building with the windows, or is it part of another building? this slight confusion adds to the effectiveness - makes me think a little harder. well done!

    over earth

    other than the fisheye effect, there is nothing in the frame for me to pay attention to. a bird, a kite, a plane - any of those would have made this an interesting photo. but a bunch of trees and some fuzzy stuff in the background isn't going to do it for me.
  2. geometrically pleasing. :-) it is also a very good exposure - nothing is blown away and all of the details are perfectly visible. however! the bottom of the frame feels warmer than the top - this is not much of an imperfection but it bothers me slightly. personally, I would be tempted to make this a b&w.

    Mid Winter

    great view! two things. horizon seems to be curved - maybe the shot would look better if it weren't. second, I'd crop a bit from the bottom, since all that snow at the bottom doesn't add much.
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