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dude steve

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Image Comments posted by dude steve

    Pfeiffer, Moonlit


    It took a fairly long exposure to grab this moonlit scene (with the

    very last remnants of the day peaking through the holes in the cliff).


    Let me know your thoughts on this one, thanks!

  1. I like how the lighthouse is fully enclosed within the reverse-C cloud shape. Moving more to the left to space the sun further off would have ruined this effect.


    No crop necessary. IMO, an alternative would have been to shoot from the same spot and turn the camera to the left a bit. Though it might have gotten too dark to left...

    Peggy Light


    Nice touches of warmth to this very cool toned image. The only nit I have is with the spot of orange reflection in the top-middle of the water area.


    I wouldn't like to see anything cropped from top because it would make the lighthouse feel cramped given its already foreshortened height.

    Northern Gannets

    what, too busy? are you serious? no way. It's a bunch of birds. Any "busyness" among the birds is an integral part of the scene. And you caught this frame and a wonderful time to catch the central bird in mid stretch. fantastic!

    Dark Coast


    Thanks, Jim. That's a crop I've been considering.


    The lower rock actually isn't nearly as featureless as it looks here, but cropping it emphasizes a pretty strong diagonal balance and classic thirds. While I like that, I also think that I already have plenty of images with similar diagonal balance. Yet, I think most people will like it better cropped.

  2. An unusual beach - the waves crash way back where you see them, but

    every few minutes a wave would come up and move the rocks around. The

    key was to wait for a wave to start to recede so you could see where

    the rocks moved to, find a good selection of rocks, run up to it, and

    shoot before the water receded too far. A fun shot.


    Comments appreciated!

  3. It's a very nice scene, but the execution didn't quite work. The sky is too blown out, and the reflection of the blown-out area looks like it was filled in.


    The only ways to get this right are to either use a graduated neutral density filter on the sky or to shoot this scene a little earlier, expose for the highlights, and then use a photo editor to bright up the levels in the foreground.

  4. This is very nice...I'm not fond of the space on each side of the red poles, and would crop both sides to do so. This leaves the rightmost chain leaving on the right hand side, so a further crop from the bottom would get the chain to exit on the bottom of the frame again. Something to think about.
  5. not bad...but a little more care in your composition will go a long way - for example:


    1) you *really* need to be more careful about crooked horizons.

    2) there's a rock in the surf to the right that's jutting out from behind the foreground rock. It would likely be better to hide it completely behind the fg rock or bring it completely into frame.


    I kind of want to see more on the bottom and less up top, but I can't say for sure that your choice to split the horizon was a bad choice. However, if you had done this:

    1) the (somewhat blown-out) main sky element would have been closer to the upper left and would have better balanced the large rock in the lower right.

    2) you would have captured more of the reflective wet sand, which is one of the most interesting parts of the image.


    Again, it's not bad...actually, better than average. I took a quick look at the rest of your posted images and in general I like your eye and think you can do better than this image.

    Pacific II


    Thanks for the comments, BTW!


    No, I didn't have to do any tweaking of the sun - the small aperture and the GNDFs did the trick.


    On a couple of compositions ("Pacific I" is one of them), I had to use two separate GNDFs (one angled over the sun, one straight) to bring the entire sun and sky region into range and completely eliminate blooming in the sun area.


    I don't recall if this was one of them but I think it was.

    Pacific II


    One image is just the cliff, and the 2nd image is everything else.


    The full size version looks fine, but I'm starting to think the version I posted here is a bit dark. And the medium-sized version here seems to have lost quite a bit of light in the scaling.

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