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Posts posted by mark_hahn

  1. Mike thanks for posting these shots! (Glad my post helped to get to the Clack). They look good to me... now I have to get some film into mine (though I'm busy with my folders this weekend).


    Joseph O., in theory, using a camera like the Clack and not worrying about anything sounds great, but when you get back crappy photos all the joy is gone for me... knowing where the camera is actually focused and the aperture and shutter speed allow you to work *with* the camera and its limitations.


    Cleary you don't get infinity focus from the camera, good to know, clearly you don't get 3ft, good to know, but you do get a charming classic rendering (to my eye).

  2. I "believe" as well... it's not what makes every photo (and I take plenty of photos with Japanese gear that I am happy with), but it does show up and it is real... even other photog friends of mine see it in some prints and can identify it imediately (and they aren't shooting Leica). Leica didn't get to stay in the camera business just based on snob appeal, their stuff is really good and distinctive.
  3. I haven't *won* a Bantam Special yet, but part of me really like the Retina and IIIc better. The Deco styling of the Bantam seem a little awkward to me... more like function forced to fall within form instead of the other way round, whereas the Barnack and Retina seem to be designed with form following function. I still want a Bantam, but doubt that it will compete with the other two as a user (especially since I have to slit down film for it).


    I'm mostly using my C/V Color-Skopar 50 on my IIIc and honestly think it is one of my loveliest lenses, but the Xenon is quite nice as well (and f2 instead of f2.5... but in truth, in low light I have trouble focusing accurately enough even at f2.8 with either camera).


    I love both cameras, I'm just surprised by how much I really ended up like the Retina (purely whim purchase).

  4. Having always wanting a real Barnack camera (after years of FSU struggles) I finally bought a pretty IIIc earlier in the

    year... and while taking many good photos with it, I find that I am grabbing for my Retina IIa much more often... part

    of it has to do with being so pocketable with a good f2 lens, but it's something more. Just wondering how others who

    have these two types of cameras feel.

  5. Thanks for checking your Clack and sharing the results! My first test was inconclusive:<br><br>


    <img src="http://www.geocities.com/markhahn2000/temp/clack_test_close_web.jpg">



    But this shows the close focus seting and cans lined up from 3.5-5.5ft and it appears that 5.5 ft is about the closest

    limit of DOF so my guess was 6.5 ft for actual focus distance (very close to your 7 ft estimate). If the near limit of

    DOF for the distance setting is 12 ft, then that should be about 16 ft for the actual focus distance. I guessed that the

    lens is about 100mm since I couldn't find any documentation... still narrow DOF at f11. I'm thinking of changing the

    aperture for far-sunny and near to be f16 or f22 just to increase the DOF and more optimize the camera for ISO 100

    films... though I'm more excited shooting the 6x9 folders at the moment.

  6. Yeah, I probably should have shown more how I tested. I had adjusted the cameras for infinity on ground glass, then

    re-checked at 10 ft and then shot a single frame at 6ft:<br><br>


    <img src="http://www.geocities.com/markhahn2000/temp/rolfix_test_setup.jpg">


    This shows how small a section was cropped for the examples.



    I do think that my test is good enough to show the differences between my cameras/lenses, but not as an absolute

    test of any kind.


    I'm looking for a Series 6 adaptor so I can shoot the Moskva with one of my hoods... don't know how much I trust the

    lens not to flare... but most FSU coatings aren't all that good... but shooting the camera now that I confident it can


  7. No, the lenses were adjusted for infinity focus and these tests were performed at a distance to confirm that the focus was good (the real test was a bunch of staggered cans, ala. Maizenberg), so the focus variable was sorted out to my satisfaction (the whole point of the test)... but in checking the focus from the scanned negatives I realized that I also had a lens test that maybe someone else would be interested in.


    Same roll of film (Delta 100 in Rodinal), same scanning and processing... it gives a good relative comparison only.


    I had also commented that the I had used the Isolette before and had gotten good results at f11 (so the point wasn't to say anything was bad or good), but it was nice to see that my until then untested B2 Speedex (which is a more handsome camera) seems a little better... and it was also nice to see how much better the Moskva-5 and Rolfix lenses are, since I am really more interested in shooting them seriously.

  8. I don't typically do "lens tests" and these are actually just the result of film tests to confirm that I had adjusted focus

    correctly on these four cameras (all except the Moskva taken at 6ft and the specified aperture, the former at 2m):


    <img src="http://www.geocities.com/markhahn2000/temp/folder_tests.jpg">


    I'm going to call the Moskva-5 vs Radionar results a dead heat since the Moskva was shot at f4 and enlarged slightly


    though the Radionar seems to have better contrast. Given that the Moskva-5 has a rangefinder, I'm certain that just

    for focus accuracy that it will beat the smaller Rolfix in actual usage.<br><br>


    The uncoated Agfa Anastigmat seems to beat the coated Agnar by a bit, but neither is in the same league as the

    other two. Everyone seems to bag on the Agnar and comparitively it seems to deserve this, but I have used that

    camera in the past and it did quite decently well stopped down to f11.<br><br>



    The Moskva was stopped down to f4 (from f3.5) to match my flash settings, while the others were shot wide




    I went out and actually shot the Moskva today (finally fixed all the light leaks too!!)... so hopefully I'll have something

    more interesting to post soon.<br><br>



  9. Ok, how do you guys go about carrying your 6x9 folders around? After finally fixing/adjusting both my Mockba-5 and

    Franka Rolfix I've been trying to get them out shooting and find carrying them a little awkward given that they just

    have those 50 year old little finger straps that must be ready to break... and they're kind of too big for most pockets,

    and very heavy when they do fit in a pocket... so around the neck would be referred for both. For the Mockba-5 I

    have the original ultra-naff naugahyde ever ready case, which is ok I guess, but the spray-on "leather" paint is already

    starting to wear off in places. I've seen old shoulder cases with some folders on ebay, but are there any new options.



  10. Thanks all! Mike, from your example, it seems my assumptions were pretty good for guessing 4.75ft. :)


    Also, clearly, my sunny setting is not f12.5 or f16, but f11 with a yellow filter (1.5X?).


    Is there any trick to opening up the lens/shtter? Thinking that either sticking an f16 aperture over the yellow filter

    would make it better for shooting 100 speed film in sun... are maybe putting in a stiffer spring to get the shutter up to



    I knowing I'm kind of nerding out on this thing... but that's half the fun for me. :)

  11. Before shooting my Clack, I want to figure out what it is actually focused at for the two possible settings.


    The camera says either 10ft-Infinity or 3-10ft. Using f/Calc and f11 I cannot find a distance that gives these ranges

    unless I increase the CoC by 6X over the recommended for 6x9... was Agfa really that sloppy in putting the range...

    or is it I guess that the DOF is based on contact prints only?


    anyway, using this assumption the close focus distance will be 4.75... but looking then to the distant range a focus

    distance of 9ft gives a DOF of 4.4-Infinity so clearly Agfa was not consistant in marking these distances...


    ...anyway, the reason I ask is because I figure if I know where the camera actually is focused for and I shoot for that I

    will more likely be happy with the results.


    thanks for any enlightenment on this!

  12. hmmm... it's a cute cheap camera, I thought that there would be someone that really liked them and used them.


    I learned from past experience not to shoot any real film after adjusting a camera's focus before shooting a test shot to confirm that I actually did it right (why doesn't my ground glass always agree with my film?)... so next day or two and I will film test 4 (!) old folders I've been monkeying around with... if I'm lucky two will have been adjusted correctly and be ready to shoot... if this is one of them, I'll post some shots soon.

  13. all it says is "Anastigmat" for the lens (85mm f4.5)... the shutter just says "Agfa B2 Speedex," (it's not the Junior)... speeds T,B, 2-250th... I'm just looking for advise like... "charming old lens" etc. or "piece of crap, don't waste your time."


    I did clean up the lens and reset the focus.



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