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Image Comments posted by bloq_henseith

    Creek I

    Great shot, slow shutter really makes it interesting. I wouldn't have thought that this picture would have needed it, but it really turned out great. Nice contrast with the moss and water. Overall nice photo.
  1. I really like this photo. Is the drop of water on a flower? And am I right in saying that you isolated it and put it on a back background (With feathered edges)? It really looks good though.

    71 Chevelle


    I don't know if you did this, but the lightning would look a lot smoother (masked without the rough black edges) if you used the "Blend If" settings in photoshop. I think, in most versions, if you double click on the layer you can access these settings. In photoshop 6.0 it will bring up a big window just look for some black and white sliders with the text "Blend If" near them. (In other versions this window will be smaller, and the sliders will be easier to locate.) By dragging the black arrow closer to the white section of the slider you will remove the black background. Pressing "Alt" while moving the slider will break it in half, making the effect slgihtly more subtle. Again, i'm not sure if you used this option, my appologies if you did, but the lightning still looks a little choppy.

    Off the subject, I like your eye in the rock picture better than this one. (I forget its real name). I would try to do more pictures like that- photoshop seems to work a lot better when you devide your work into two extremely obvious catogories-

    1. Collages and abstract work that is completely fake (and normally not based completely on one picture)- much like those used in advertising

    2. A real picture that has been edited to look better, or edited to be surrielistic, but still maintaining the idea of a picture, and not a jumble of photos and shapes.


    Just a suggestion, but if you try and work into these catogories you will improve, learn, and have emense fun. Overall though, great photos.

    Wired sunset

    Breaking the light up using the wire was a really interesting idea, especially with the low DOF rendering the sun as a soft red blob. The only thing that I see wrong with it is the wire not exactly lineing up with with the horizon. Nice use of the barbed piece of the wire.

    trees and moss


    Slightly overexposing this image makes it more appealing, but I think you have left some areas very overeposed (the left background). The light green of the image and the detail of the trees really makes this photo visually appealing, but I would try and tone down the overexposure in the background.

    Although most people would back up, and include more of the trunks of the trees by framing vertically, but the photo looks nicer in landscape. Great job on this photo.

    Salt Polygons

    I´ve got to say, I like the first one for it´s lack of light in the clouds and background. I think it gives a sinister look to the photo- maybe that´s what what you were looking for, but it still makes for a good photo. Great use of the foreground (salt), but then again that is what you photographing so that comment goes without mentioning. The only fault I find is the slope of the mountains in the background- but then again you can´t really help that can you. Great photo.
  2. THe crystal clear reflection that you photographed here, really adds detail to the water, allowing you to fill more of the frame with it. I think you did a really good job with the boat, letting it live in it´s own enviornment instead of filling the frame like many photographers would do. The boat it´s self fits nicely in this picture: a modern bright white one would stand out badly in this photo. Nice lighting and weather, a blue sky would also be garish in this case, the nice clouds disperse the light perfectly. Also, letting the land end on the left side of the photo (leaving the other side way in the distance) gives the water some more depth and scale, further improving your photo. The only thing that I see it lacks is originality, unfortunately boats and boating tend to be a little over-photographed. One improvement would have been to find something unique about this scene, and stressed it.

    Tide Ebb

    The absence of color and recognisable detail is what makes me like this picture so much. The low depth of field chalenges the viewer to understand what this picture is really about. The sharp rocks provide a really good contrast against the water (that is water isn´t it!) Suprising how such a simple thing can be so interesting.
  3. What makes this picture stand out is it´s excelent color, and contrast with the black and white background. I think you could make this photo more effective if you re-did the selection (at least I´m assuming this picture has been digitally edited), and speant more time to detail, maybe eliminating the need to feather the border (again that´s what it looks like you did). If you find yourself constantly doing photos like this, dealing with selections, try reasearching a Wacom graphics tablet. Depending on how serious a digital photographer you are, you can select a tablet that meets your price range. With the Canon D30 camera, quite an investment, I think not owning a graphics tablet is cheating yourself.

    Back to the picture: great job, excellent detail and exposure, especially for a crowded enviornment.

  4. Although this shot tends to turn up quite a bit, I think that you´ve done a really good job with it. Semi-Silouetting the Apostles makes the picture a lot more appealing than if it were photographed in plain mid-day light. I like your incorporation of the beach in the right foreground- definitely leave it in. All around, a really great shot, nice job
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