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Posts posted by iván

  1. Don't need any legends, Roland. This terrible great photography speaks by itself, right the way it should.


    Might your work help to avoid this misery in the future.


    Please believe me I got sick literally but I still thank you to post these images/atrocities.



  2. Hi, Jordan:


    I think your first image is a very good one. I would agree about considering it in the art category. The other ones seem not to belong in the same category and I even assume you thought the same way or you hadn't taken them through the filters.


    In summary, I don't think digital is art by itself the same as plain photography is not art by itself: it is not the medium but what we do with it. IMHO.


    Regards, Jordan.



  3. Hi, Mike:


    My favourite: square Starr. Very good composition and the shallow DOF works at its best to make a pleasant rendition of the most important graphic elements of her portrait. The lighting also worked to great effect with the film you used; warm right enough for not to look unnatural.


    To be true, I haven't been interested in the qualities of the lens in your series (since I have no plan$ to get one) but in the qualities of your photography, as always, and I had also made mine Jack's conclussion about static posing and was somewhat surprised about it since your ability to get spontaneous or live attitudes from your models is something I think is one of the bigger assets of what you have shown to us here.


    In summary, Lux or not Lux thanks for sharing !!


    Best regards, Mike




    BTW: I think you don't need to get concerned for opinions which have nothing to do with the quality of your photography. Or I didn't understand them that way, at least. The ones to get concerned are we lesser quality photographers . . .

  4. I want to adhere to Douglas Kinnear's clever statement. Furthermore, I'd respectfuly suggest to have his words always present when referring to somebody else's work, be it a famous photographer or anybody else. I, for one, will try to do so. It would surely save us much of the unfortunate fights we get involved in from time to time.


    Regarding Mr. Gibson: I think that "Deus Ex Machina" (the only book from him I've been able to go through; they are not easily found in our local market) is nothing less than a master piece. IMHO this only book would (and should) make any photographer a famous one: original vision, intense and unusually suggestive images: the reality one can see through them extends far beyond what is actually depicted on the photo; powerful graphic environment as a whole. The first time I saw the book I instantaneously understood that I was in front of something and somebody rather special with few direct precedents in my personal experience, if any. Definitely inspiring work though trying to copy his style would be frankly ridiculuous.


    However I can easily agree with the comments regarding his prose. I'd prefer to stand by his images, not his words. He definitely is a photographer. Lucky us.





  5. Hi, Renaud !


    You already have a Leica III and are more attracted to low maintenance mechanical models but are considering the expense a M7 means? In your case I'd buy the best M3 the market could supply me with. In fact, to be true, that would be my option IN ANY CASE if I had money enough, not withstanding the fact that I already own two of them.


    Uhm. . . may be I'm a little biased. I'll think about it. But still I think it is good option IMHO.



  6. . . . and IF JAY'S SUGGESTION WORKS, I'll volunteer to help you. I could even contribute a few more lenses, 2 cameras, a Visoflex system and I'll manage myself to find something else.


    We could also test the M system against my R4, FM2n, Rolleiflex T, Yashica TLR - G, Pentax KM and anything else we could gather . . .


    Good luck and let me know !


    Now seriously: my choice would be M2 vs. M3 if it made any sense.



  7. Hi, Jan !


    What a project ! I saw your folder and I think I like <a href="http://www.photo.net/photo/944466">this photo</a> better than the one you show, by far. To me, it shows much of her personality.


    In general, I agree with the comments regarding variety but are not much concerned for it but for what I think is some focus softness and lack of spontaneity. Which I didn´t find important in my chosen photo because the expression makes all of its power. I own a couple of Crons from the 50s so I think that the focus softness doesn't come from the lens (but from my eyes, perhaps ?).


    Regards, Jan !



  8. Hi, Ken:


    This photo is kind of familiar for me because I have tried it several times with rather similar results and a similar uneasy feeling that something is missing . . . even after having tried different framings and different lenses.


    I wouldn't suggest you a different way of doing your own photo but I have to recognize that your rendition of light and detail on the ground is far better than what I have been able to do so far.


    I still think that it is an interesting subject and I'd like to be able to say what I feel is missing in your photo and in mine own though the better technical quality of yours but . . .


    Best regards, Ken. Keep posting, please.



  9. Hi, gentlemen !


    Thanks for your comments regarding my "dumb" photo. We have kind of a joke with my son Cristóbal (who is a "real" photographer) regarding what we call "the photo of the dumb guy". It is supossed to be the photo that a simple absolutely not intelectual photographer would take just because the subject is over there and is interesting for any person according to the simplest possible aesthetics, so it will show only the minimun graphical esentials to make the scene as faithful to the original as possible and convey exactly no extra personal meaning at all. Well, "the photo of the dumb guy" is what we think is the minumun any competent photographer should do. And believe me, it is not always easy to do. In fact you have to consider the dumb guy's requirements in order to satisfy him and, since you are no dumb guy, you've got to think on it so as to boil all your intelectual contents down to only what he is able to understand. Kind of the KISS ("Keep It Simple, Stupid")principle that we engineers often find so helpful.


    May this long disquisition help my explanation that I did no cropping on my original image and I seldom do. Regarding the birds in particular, my dumb guy saw them getting in and out from the frame so I waited until I could show them so. I have no doubt that a little cropping would help to make the image look better organized but those birds were not organized at all, they were moving all over and I couldn't think of another means to convey movement in my static photo.


    Anyhow, I thought this subject could be interesting for somebody else, that is why this long explanation. But I formally think that photos shouldn't need any words to go along with them in order to convey a complete meaning (see Marc's and Glenn's comments above)so I promise I'll wont abound on this matter in the future unless somebody else supplies the occasion.


    Regards, gentlemen. Excuse the lenght and thanks for your always considerate comments.



  10. I have reading the previous thread about H C-B and according to

    the "standards" set in it, this is a dumb photograph. I could agree

    it is, but still I like it enough for posting. By the way, I have

    critiziced my photos since long as being illustrations more than

    photographs, more of the time. I mean more often than not they just

    show something I found interesting at the moment of shooting but

    don't convey any particularly interesting idea or specific meaning,

    like in this case. Of course, a vast part of the graphic arts do the

    same and most of the famous examples we all know have just an

    aesthetical interest and value (no matter how important the value).

    On this respect they are not specially important intelectual

    achievements, are they?. So what . . .?


    I'm afraid that in order to state really meaningful conclusions on

    this subject (and though all the interesting it could be, and I

    actually think it is) we should be specialized scholars and make a

    dedicated effort in order to trascend just making

    pictures/illustrations and posting here. I for one, just will make my

    best to post images that I like and think worth posting with no

    further considerations other than basic personal aesthetics. I

    sincerely hope it will be enough . . .


    Regards, friends.



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