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Image Comments posted by jasonphoto01

  1. I like it but i would love to see a close up of the web, almost a macro if possible. I think the flare works real well in this shot because its the brightest spot in the image it draws the viewers eyes into that one web making it more of the subject than the rest of the background althought the background does have a strong influence. i think if it wasnt for the lens flare in this shot the photo might have been to busy and would have left the viewer to wander around in the frame looking for a subject. just my opinion.


    I really like your work and i really like this shot. theres only a few small things i think might have helped. i think having her looking out of frame while she so close to that side draws your eye off the picture. also having the stair line run right through her head is somewhat distracting. please dont think im just some jackass who has to say something negative. i really like your work alot. your portfolio is at the top of my list. this is the kind of photography i love to do. please take my comments as mere suggestions and it is quite possible that doing any of the changes i said may look like @#%$. any way great photo with great colors and it gives off a real nice mood. great job!

    Red flower

    its nice to see someone from my home town. im from baton rouge but live in cali where i go to brooks institute of photography. you have some cool stuff. just wanted to let you know theres some other up and coming photographers out of baton rouge.take care...jason
  2. I have one suggestion on your photo. a persons eyes seem to go to the brightest part of a photograph. in this photo you have a very bright light on the left side that is somewhat competing with the child. what you could do is go and burn in that corner thus bringing more attention back to the subject. i hope i did not affend you but i no some people like suggestions. on the plus side your composistion is good. you also picked a real good location and a perfect pose. you seem to do real well with kids something i know is very hard to do. keep shooting...jason


  3. I have the same Problem. I shoot I think it looks good then I see the print and Im like damn why didnt i do this or why not that. Ive found out im my worse critic. Dont worry thats what sets you apart from people who like photography and people who live photography. Ever since i can remember ive loved to shoot. im now in my second year of college (brooks institute of photography)and im producing some real nice stuff. The funny thing is i like it today then hate the shot tommorow. But that just proves we have a passion for photography and i dont think theres a cure. you,ve got some really good stuff. i really like your choice of colors here but im not real sure about the composistion. i would like to see a little more interaction with the chair. anyway just wanted to tell you your not alone and keep shooting....Jason



    use all red m&ms and one yellow or other color m&m. rub alittle bit of that color on to the red ones then shoot it at as low an aperture as possible with the single m&m in focus.

    Snow on a field


    My comment is on exposure. You have detainm in your shadows as well as in your highlights somehting that takes knowledge to execute. you did so thats worth a good rating in itsself. unless you used program then shame on you.haha


  4. ok its obvious that you have talent. great composistion as well as exposure. the only thing i would change would be the clouds. as im sure you already know your eyes go to the brightest part of the shot. i think either more clouds or none at all. just a comment i know its nit picky but hay. either way good job your without a doubt a good photographer.


    it is nicely composed and is also tack sharp. but when i look at the picture my eye goes directly to the imperfection in the right corner. its still a great shot but i do think the right corner takes away from the shot.
  5. im from new orleans and i love blues and jazz. you got a shot of a legend that is perfect well almost perfect the only little problem i see is the hot spot on the guitar. i would burn it in a little so its not that distracting. if you did that it would be with out a question a money shot.

    Liquid Air

    sorry im going to have to agree with the other guys. photo of the week? i personally dont think its all that great. not that its not a good image its just not all that appealing.5/5 rating
  6. i really like this cloud reflection. although i find most shots like this boring i really like like this one.it has an abstract look to it. its not the usual soft nice warming shot. this one has character its those clouds from right after a storm.real good shot.


    if you print it yourself you can dodge the cloud when printing or you could take it to a real lab and ask them to print a pic with the cloud dodged and the horizon straight. the horizon being straight is very important. nice siloute though.
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