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Posts posted by peterd

  1. For those who wondered as I did, looks like fair use is ok. Obviously where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy I would not go there. I only want to snap people on the street etc. In a store, restaurant etc I would ask to take their picture. Dont want to be rude. Please keep in mind that I DONT want to do this to embarrass people or to be a cheap shot paparrazi.









  2. All fair things. I will look into that to see how best to avoid getting whooped later. I think I am ok, but that is not necessarily a defense later down the road. I have a long way to go before it gets to that step as I am just one person with an idea so it gives me time to practice the shots and figure out the legalities afterwards. Maybe its time to chum up to someone coming out of law school who needs creds.


    David, what would you recommend for the next lens if not the 18-200. I figured that would be a good compromise of features, size and weight at a not so expensive price. Thanks. Peter

  3. Thanks for the info. As to the lawyer thing, yeah i thought about that but in the public domain on the street its fair game. However I dont want to be a paparrazi and I am not looking to destroy anyone. However I do want to create a site that points out what works well and what is not. I am sure someone who looks like ass in public probably wont like it being pointed out, but perhaps it will actually help them if they see it. I thought about the idea of profiling certain people if they contact where they can be featured in a make over so who knows. Its marketing in the end and I would think if the trash mags survive I will be ok because I am just walking down the street, not looking in your yard or stalking someone.


    I will read the article on the white balance. Thanks for the input on that. Peter

  4. Hi all, I need some sage advice. I am starting up a fashion website in the

    northwest and I am going to be shooting random people on the street regularly

    and breaking them down in a fashion do's and dont's. I just upgraded from a N80

    to a D80 and my lens is currently a 50mm prime Nikkor and a 70-300 1:4-5:6

    Nikkor. I am about to purchase a Nikkor 18-200 DX VR and as my primary

    workhorse lens. I have researched the forums and Phil says use a 81c warming

    filter for fashion photography. I am no pro photographer nor do I want to be,

    but I do want to be capable and be able to grab a random shot that looks great

    and emphasizes the clothes. I asked about and was told that I should shoot raw

    and just process in PS but I dont always have time for this and I would want to

    minimize time in PS to get things up timely as I have another job as well as

    obligations. So it seems straightforward but when I go to B&H, there are a lot

    of options here. If I search for the warming filter, I get resin filters,

    polarizers (are they the same? I dont think so) etc. I need a select a good hi

    quality set of filters for my type of application as well as stuff that can be

    used in staged fashion photography. I dont want the great quality without

    breaking the bank so what fits the middle of the road. I probably dont need top

    of the line anymore than my grandma needs a M5. <grin> Please help me make a

    prudent decision within my needs and skillset which is not very advanced but

    learning quickly. Thank you in advance. Peter


    PS all photos will be digital format. Please keep that in mind.

  5. Thanks for the replies. Living in QA all are easy options. Eric, the lake (reservoir) is over by Easton on I90E. Just get on 90 and you will hit it. I recommend you take a drive along hwy 410 in the summer instead. I find the lake a bit of a trajedy due to the fact that it is created by a dam and we will never see what it should look like. As for the Soundgardens, well I hear they want to put soccer fields there. Just what we need, more lights and shit. Go grab your pics while you can. Take a walk at Gasworks and Discovery park while you are at it. Pete
  6. Actually try going to the local drum department at a Guitar Center or similar. Drummers often have cymbal stands they cannot afford to dent yet need to carry in a sling case. You can often find really good padded carrying cases that you can adapt to your use that will be better abnd cheaper than what they sell at a camera shop. Pete
  7. I guess the thing no one really covered is do you NEED the f1.4 and at this point is it worth the cost ir is it just the fact that it ia bit faster or more expensive? Not picking on you, just asking a basic question as it is really easy to buy moree than you really need and that money may be better spent on a second lens like a wide. My thoughts. Pete
  8. Have you considered the N80 as opposed to the N75? A few more options and better features for not much more plus there is currently a 50.00 rebate to pad the deal. Adorama and BH both have kits but you may be better off doing a single nice lens. There is some really good info on phils camera reviews and what to buy sections. I really like the posters idea of the gift certificate. That lets the reciever get exactly what they want though it is not as fun when giving it. Pete
  9. While I can see that the hiking thing will be primary and that is where I expect to get some use, I also expect to play elsewhere. Being new I do not know what will grab my fancy yet totally so I am open to other use applications. For example I have family that lives in spain. Last time we visited there we came back with some magnificent pics that Mel took which were of old cathedrals (stained glass), stone figures (old castle), ruins, etc. SO while I will get a lot of use in the hiking, there will be a lot of other places I will use it. Simply put I am jsut starting to stretch my wings so who knows where I will fly. I will avoid the mistake of going out and buying a bunch of gear before I know what I need but it is good to start thinking about it. I think the wide angle would be a logical next step. Also a higher powered lens and maybe a macro one day as well. Fortunately the ex and I get along well and she will likely lend me stuff now and again so I can try things. She has a 24mm as well as a micro zoom I bought her a few years ago that I can probably try out before I buy. I know I need a tripod at one point and here I will buy the lightest I can. I remember someone posted a link to a feature review of a bunch of tripods some time back. I don't suppose you know where it is? Thanks, Pete
  10. I figure it will take me a long time to outgrow that, assuming I ever do if it is as useful as it seems. Picked up a new US one this afternoon. If I were to budget in order over time out of the ones you suggested or similar, what would be the logical progression based on your experience? Wider first or distance? Pete
  11. Bummer dude. Tell Nikon to send you a check for $4200 as I am sure that after a year they have already collected the funds to cover the camera from their insurance company. Past that tell them to kiss your ass and keep the camera. Just my thoughts. Pete
  12. Hi there, I recently decided to get a camera after adminring my ex's

    camera work for a long time. I read a lot of the articles by Phil

    including the advice to get a better lens rather than body. I opted

    to get the Nikon N80 figuring I was that 99% of the folks 99% of the

    time and wanted a body that would not weigh me down terribly on a

    long hike where I would be lugging a fair amount of gear. I live in

    Washington where the mountains are pretty high so this was a

    consideration. So my body is en route and I am thinking of how I

    should grow out my lenses. I will start with Phils recommendation on

    the 50MM F1.8 though I was hoping someone could maybe better explain

    to em the differences in the f ratings on the cameras and would I be

    better served by spending the extra 150? Any and all advice is

    greatly appreciated as well as any recommended reading. I cannot

    sayt what I will gravitate to as far as style of photography because

    I honestly do not know what will catch my eye and hence become my

    photos. I will be using exclusively slide film I think and probably

    Fuji at that. Thanks, Pete

  13. Hi I would like to think about getting my GF a new stand with mount

    for her Nikon F100. I bought her a bogen tripod and a head that has

    a hand grip type assembly for quick adjustment but it weighs a ton

    and this is an issue when we go out on hikes and is making it so I

    do nto want her to take her camera anywhere we go. I got her a nice

    bag last year to take the gear in so I was thinking of maybe

    addressing this issue as it is really a weight problem and I end up

    lugging the tripod along with my own gear. Suggestions? Peter

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