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  1. Hi Everyone, I'm traveling abroad soon for the first time. While traveling in the US I normally drive so I travel fairly heavy, but I know I need to travel lighter this time.Also, I'm traveling to Armenia so availability of filters and other supplies might be nonexistent. I'll be shooting both black and white and color film, and I'm struggling which filters to bring. I know for sure I'm bring a full set of color contrast filters(R29, R25, YA3, YA2, K2, K1, X1, and X0), but color film filters are harder to pick out. For example I'm trying to decide if I really need 80A, 80B, 82A, and 82B. Another issue is I shoot with Olympus OM so my most of my lenses are 49mm and 55mm, but I want to bring the 180mm F2.8 which is 72mm. I'm probably overthinking this, but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Edit: I have full sets of filters in all three sizes, but I rarely use 72mm filters on my 49mm lenses due to finding it awkward, so I'm feeling that I should bring 55mm filters and then just 4-5 72mm filters.
  2. That's a really good point and I appreciate your response! This is the first trip I've had where I've flown. Normally I drive and i just fill the trunk with whatever I think I might need. I'll list what I'm thinking of bringing and see what you think if you don't mind. Possible Kit: 2x OM-2n's 1x EM-1 Film Primes: Spiratone (sigma) 18mm F3.5, Olympus 24mm F2.8, Olympus 35mm F2.0(My most used lens), Olympus 55mm F1.2, Olympus 100mm F2.0, Olympus 180mm F2.8 Digital Lenses: Olympus 17mm F1.8, Olympus 25mm F1.8, 7Artisans 35mm F1.2 (Mini Sonnar with unique look to the Bokeh), Speed Booster, and standard OM to MFT adapter. Between both film and digital, that's cover 18mm to 360mm with 9 lens. Is this still to much?
  3. I'm not. My fiancee is from that country and she had to go there for about a year due to family issues. So my fiancee will be there, but I'm meeting her there.
  4. Hi everyone, I'm not new to photography, but I need some help choosing what gear I bring with me on my first trip abroad. I'm a film shooter in the OM system, but like many of us, I buy more cameras then I need to. I'm heading to Armenia for 1 month in early summer and I'm intending on bringing 2-3 film cameras and my digital kit. I will be doing street photography, some portrait sessions, and some more general tourist type work. Now I can go from way to much stuff to very minimalist. I have primes for my OM system from 18mm to 400mm then zooms that cover 35mm to 200mm. So I could bring all my primes, or just the zooms, or completely differently I could just bring my Kodak Retina kit with the 35mm, 50mm, and 80mm, or even more minimalist is just the rollie 35. No matter the film kit I choose I'm bringing my digital kit. I'll list it below. Digital Kit: Olympus OMD EM1, 7Artisans 7.5mm, Olympus 17mm F1.8, Olympus 25mm F1.8, 7Artisans 35mm F1.2, and a Speed Booster(if I bring an OM kit). I've been thinking about what to bring for months now and can't make up my mind. I really appreciate any advice you'll can give me. I want to bring no more then two Domke f-2 bags of gear. But i'm getting bogged down with the details and need some advice from the veterans. Thank you for all of your advice!!! --Given Zane
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