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I am continually amazed at the craziness in our world. The words are

the picture, so if you don't read the words, please don't rate or comment.

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Dave, what's the story behind this? I mean - what property does it belong to? Is it a private house, a religious society? Micheal
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I don't have a clue. I was driving along someplace in Iowa, and it just caught my eye, so I pulled over (much to the chagrin of everyone else in the car) and snapped it. It looked pretty much like a normal above-average house. The main house is to the right in the picture, and the garage is dead center. There is that tower on the left, and there is an inscription on it, but this resolution will not permit reading it, and I am not sure if it is legible even in the origninal. Bottome line: your guess is as good as mine. The way your mind is so active, I figure you will come up with some explanation. Cheers
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Thanks, Dave, for the explanation. Actually, joking and using words for fun (which we both enjoy)aside, the only thing that I found wrong with the sign is the word "glory", which is a negative word. The rest is correct, when speaking about the whole Church, as an organized "structure". Sure, there are many pastors, and many local churches that are positive, nice, and maybe even loving, but over the centuries the Church has proven (just look at the history) that what is written there is also true. I know it's important to challenge dualities, when an individual, or an organization (of any kind, and especially the ones that hide behind God) twist things in their favour, creating (in effect) their own gods, ignoring the real truth, because that would challenge their socio-economic power. You know that Christ called the religious leaders and teachers of their time "hypocrites". Well, overall, that hasn't changed.

What has changed are the names of the instituitons, the names of the functions, and the means through which they operate. There is a simple proof to all of that: look at the state of today's world, today's society. If the established religions were teaching the truth, what Christ tought, there could be no wars, no struggles, no hungers, no lack of anything. So from a simple observation we can discern that what is ingraved in that stone is correct. Many people got so intrenched in the pounded-in believes that challenging whoever speaks in the name of God is a blasphemy, or at least inapropriate. Bullshit. Again, if what all the religious teachers are (and have been) anouncing from the pulpits were true, we would have peace and prosperity for all here on Earth. Is it so? No, not yet. Then we need to challenge the established establishment and have a hard look at what they are doing and saying. Cheers, Micheal

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My own personal uninformed view is that there will never be any peace on earth. Humans are like all organisms. Territorial, aggressive and self-serving. To a degree survival depends on some of those traits, but extinction also is a possible outcome. Viruses consume their hosts, and then must either find a way to transfer to a new host or die. I view viruses just as the model most life follows. The only difference that I can see is that deer or buffalo or fish, are not capable of deducing when they are about to overgraze their environment, and then figure out a solution like birth control, adapting to other food sources, etc. Humans theoretically have the intelligence to resolve some of these issues. But they don't seem to be able to do it. Does the fact that they don't do what they must to survive (clean up their environment, stop over-populating, stop killing each other, stop screwing each other, stop nationalism, etc. etc. etc.) mean that they are just as dumb as a virus or a snail? My own personal answer is yes.
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Well, Dave, I think it might interest you, that the world is healing, and that we, as the spirits we are, are waking up from what you describe. This is not just a feel-good saying, it's a verified (and repeatedly verifiable) truth.

The change is happening in the subconscious world. If you are interested in this kind of spiritual stuff, you can read more on my website. It also talks about why unloving things, like violence, happen (no, no morals there). The link is on my PN home page "Michael Kraml". I just recommend you don't go there if you're not really interested (I'd like to underline the word "really"). What the website talks about is quite different from the mainstream thinking... Cheers, Micheal


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No disrespect intended, but I am not into the spiritual. I have a deep-seated disrespect for spiritual quests. Most are nothing more than the pursuit of sanity and justification for existence, which when carried too far result in such things as religion, egotism, nationalism, racism and too many other negative forces. What I am into is trying to find scientific answers to important questions and trying to finish out my life by not doing too much harm to my fellow man and my environment. When I was a freshman in college a great many years ago, in one of my first classes (English no less) the instructor stated, "The purpose of a good education is to teach you how little you know." I have felt that was one of the most profound statements I ever heard. Those who profess the answers, usually are the problem. Just my feelings on the matter anyway, and I'm the first to admit that I don't know shit. Cheers
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Dave, I agree with you. There have been so many people doing "spiritual" stuff, being "spiritual", while doing what you describe. That gave the word "spiritual" a bad name, and disgusted many people. There are also many people who can't stand the word "God" for the same reasons. Many people, who say "spiritual" and "God" have really no idea what they are talking about, and many times it can confuse people who truly want to know more, and then they get discouraged. There have been also people saying "spiritual" and "God", who have been loving, and truly, humbly, helping. You say you're not spiritual, and then you write: "...not doing too much harm to my fellow man and my environment" That is spiritual (the good, loving, meaning of "spiritual", which is what the word means in the deepest sense anyway - "loving"). Cheers, Micheal


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I totally agree with; Micheal Kraml, December 19, 2006; 10:21 A.M. letter. Word by word, sentence by sentence.

Thank you David for all this documentary images. I going to send them to, some of my ex fellow church persons.


Keep up the good work.


Best regards; Bela

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