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Before dawn on a winter day in Bergen, Norway.


Minolta 80-200mm zoom.

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Guest Guest


I know everyone has loved this pic and I am not any different in that regard, but I thought I would share my initial reaction to it.


I too thought the thumbnail was of some abstract image. I didn't look at it for a day because of this. By I did today.


Whoever said that this was not a modern scene was right; there is some primal magnetism about it, something absolutely eternal and beyond our rational world. My statement may sound dramatic, but it is what I felt. I was overwhelmed by it. I would like to thank the photographer.

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wow. surreal. i love it. i'm going to have to show the guitarist in my band who recently wrote a song called "the dawn song".
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Nice concept, but the blacks are too clipped for any kind "realistic" look, unless you're trying for a graphic art piece (or your scanner can't dig too deep into the shadows). There must have been more detail in the shadows of the original. I like the blue. Very cinematic, "magic hour" stuff. The overall effect of this pic is impressionistic, rather than realistic. If that's what you intended, then good for you!
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Ordinarily I hate anything shot with Velvia, but this shot is a textbook example of intentionally being surrealistic and having the film help you do it.


It's the atmosphere of this shot that works for me. Wonderfull job.

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I'd disagree to the cropping, new lens post (while agreeing with those who spoke of the geometry and space making this photo work best) while the well lit areas of the workers spark interest nicely, they are second to the maze of blue angles they're working within, to crop it with PS or a lens would only weaken the feel achieved here, and i would suggest that comments along that line (tho the shadow detail improvement could help) are merely forced out by the need to think everything must be improved, somehow. (notice that i didn't call it jealousy:)


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for the guys working on the roof. I can't believe that its that dark at 8am (as you can tell I live a bit farther south)...I think the composition is great. I love the pattern of the roofs and then the isolated roofers...


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This is a unique photo. A treasure. The complementary colors, the repetition of patterns, the angles--everything works. The subject is understated and powerful at the same time. This is why we do it.
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Kind of a Norman Rockwellian look. I'm amazed at a) the deepness of the blue, and b) that the rooftop exposure is so good at the same time the very brightly lit people are exposed well also! Very nice.


-- Mike

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Great image


But who in their right minds goes around Norway at eight o'clock on a winter's morning taking pictures, with a camera loaded with Velvia? I ask you!?



Good job Kjell does.


You are totally mad Kjell. But a great photographer. When you're down here in Oz drop in for a beer.



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Fairly new to photography as well as this site (2 months or so), but they have been a very active 2 months with a steep learning curve... and I'm enjoying every moment of the climb. And I'm truly amazed to see that photo.netters can reach an almost unanimous verdict on a POW - speaks to the quality of the photograph I'm sure, and sets the standards to which I will inevitably aspire.


This image is beautiful. For me, it evokes memories of Christmas' past, when I may have been 5 years old or so, and there was still magic and mystery in the world (you know, Santa Claus sliding down chimneys, burly men doing work that I would wonder at, and the fascination with snow that every child has). Fantastic! I only wish my monitor here at work would do justice to the shadow detail and the "blues" that everyone else is raving about:-(

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This is one of those rare photos that take my breath away, not because of the subject or the technical aspects, just because it is stunning.
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Hej Kjell,


Breathtaking. Fairytale picture book art. Well done.


Dr Simon Wong

Melbourne, Australia


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Guest Guest


This is the first time that I have seen a picture which recieved not a single negitive review!!!! I am shocked and amazed.... but now I have no one to argue with :'( . Seriously though amazing shot! Oh, and I hope you didn't go out there in your pajamas....
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According to kiet voung the blue was too blue (which was the actual color, according to the photographer), it was improperly framed and or cropped, and the shadow detail was poor - so there was ONE negative comment...
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This great photo almost looks more like a great painting. the reflection of the light on the nearby rooftop really sets it off. good job!
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The "before dawn" is beautifully expressed in the photograph, men working under light separates them from rest of the photograph which is covered by dim blue color, good thinking.....
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Of all the POW's I've seen in the last 7 or 8 months, this is easily the one I like the most. The Swede in me likes the blue and yellow, so it's a little ironic that the setting is in Norway. Extremely evocative. Congratulations
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What a magnificent picture. I am so glad I am not out, working on that roof. Well done, heja Norge. :-D
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