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Before dawn on a winter day in Bergen, Norway.


Minolta 80-200mm zoom.

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I welcome comments on this picture which I made on my way to work

early one morning, having spotted the two carpenters from my kitchen


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Very nicely done. It's rare to find a picture that is so perfectly composed but also captures a moment.
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The kind of photo that only comes along once in a very long while. I really love it. Well done.
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I absolutely love this photo. It makes me wonder who these people are, what they are doing. Very interesting and beautiful.
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I would have cropped the top and the right side a little more, but who am I to quibble! This is a great image. Very well done. I hope to have a moment like this behind the lens someday.
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I love it, and I am not just talking about the picture. Finally the elves are paying tribute to creativity! As I already said last week Kjell ; GOOD EYE !!! and now I can say congrats on POW and well deserved. One big pat on the back from me.


I could give you my best attempt at an analysis of this picture but I think this is simply one of those you love it or you hate it kinds of pictures. Be prepared for some harsh comments. I just hope that as many people who like it take the time to comment as those who dont.


I also love all the light reflections you captured in your "Harbour scene - reflections of golden light" image. Just awesome!


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The color is fantastic, as is the sharpness. Original? Way more original than 98% of what I see on this site. Congrats on POW.
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Great photo, it took me a while to look around the shot to see what was going on, very nice, I'm glad I had a chance to see it!
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Guest Guest


The elves should have saved that "painting with light" remark for such an exemplary image as this one. Not only are the light and color beautiful, but the subject is truly unique. The real greatness, though, is the timelessness. This is the closest we will ever get to seeing a photograph of Cro-Magnons squatting around a pre-dawn campfire, repairing and preparing their weapons for a daybreak hunting expedition.
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This is a great picture, well balanced and interesting. But the fact that it was taken before dawn on a winter's day in Norway makes me wonder: Are you insane? Regardless, congrats.
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So pleasing, I would really love to hang this up at a place where I can just stare and be immersed in it after a hard day at the office.
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Hi Roberto - the blue colour in this picture is a result of the pre-dawn "blue hour" and using saturated Velvia film. Also, the warm colours of the lit part of the scene makes the surroundings look bluer. It is hard to get the on-screen colours 100% similar to the original slide but that was basically what I tried to do. So this isn't a Photoshop effect picture, and I didn't use any filters on the lens. The light was weak and I used around 1/8 second exposure, on a tripod of course.


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