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© 2024George Bruckner

Gone, Till It's Gone copy.jpg



© 2024George Bruckner
  • Very Nice 1

From the album:

Surreal World

· 670 images
  • 670 images
  • 150 image comments

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I have only to look closer at your creations to be even more amazed.  Brilliant work, George.

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George, I conclude I am not smart enough to comment appropriately about your remarkable art.  So I owe you an apology for not often commenting as I should.  I suspect there hasn’t been the unique style of art that is yours – that composites the subjective (the mind, the imagination, consciousness) and the objective (this illusory universe of matter) in such amazingly creative and masterful ways.  I think if I were able to create art this unique I would feel I have fulfilled a destiny of sort.

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Thank you Wayne, I try my best to come up with composites that tell a story that I feel strong about. Take care.

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