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Decorated facade


House with notably ornamented facade, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse. Shot handheld with an Olympus Zuiko 14-54 mm 2.8-3.5 lens.

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Just entering the small city (ca. 600 inhabitants), there is an inconspicuous street with this highly decorated facade. There is so much to see in the city, one tends to overlook this rare house front. Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is famous for being the source of the Sorgue. It is at the foot of a cliff 240 metres high: Its average flow is 22 m3 / second, the highest in France, and can attain 110 m3 after the snow melts. It wasn't until 1985 that the mystery of its origin was partially revealed: in effect, the lowest point is at -308m depth attained by a robot belonging to the Spelunking Society of Fontaine de Vaucluse. The spring is the only exit point of a subterranean basin of 1200 km2 that collects the water from Mount Ventoux, the Vaucluse mountains and from the Lure mountain. I can certainly recommend a visit if you are in the area. Your comments are very welcome.
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Bravo Vincent. a beautiful image of this building with a facade decorated with stucco representing local produce, including apples and vines, you have chosen the best time for good lighting that also enhances the colors. As always, the accompanying note is very interesting, ciao Giangiorgio
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Hi Giangiorgio,


thank you for your insightful comments! The ornaments do represent local produce and the time of day certainly helped to get the right light for the photo. Kind regards, Vincent

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Hello Vincent, beautiful old houses. However, the picture should be rectified with PS. It looks like the houses are tipping backwards. Greetings, Franz
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Hi Franz,


thanks for your comments! You are right, the houses seem to be leaning backward; I often apply perspective correction to my architectural photos, however here I obviously didn't. The decorated house seems pretty straight, maybe I concentrated on this house too much. Kind regards, Vincent

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Vincent, I'm thrilled to view an image like this. Giangiorgio is entirely correct by describing the building materials and noting the lighting's role. To me, the lighting is key to the image's success. Finally, I disagree with Franz; the effect he describes only affects the left side of the image. - - My best always, mchael
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Hi Michael,


thank you for your valuable comments and your favoriting this image! The lighting was what drew my attention to the facade in the first place. I think Franz brings up a valid point; for some reason I didn't apply perspective correction on this image, resulting in the houses seemingly leaning backward. Kind regards, Vincent

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