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The 'green' bird killers


Whatever your opinion is on climate change, you rarely hear about the numbers of birds killed by the blades of wind turbines. Shot handheld with an Olympus Zuiko 14-54 mm 2.8-3.5 lens.

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Driving home from a visit to my late mother in 2018, I saw this moody blue hour scene. The wind turbines may add to the perception of depth and perspective, but I had to put forward the rarely heard facts about the numbers of birds dying through the blades of these monsters. Although I value everyone's opinion about sustainable energy, the turbines are not only ugly and highly inefficient (there are 'wind parks' in some spacious states and countries, with incredible numbers of turbines), but they kill lots of birds (and bats). I've seen a buzzard (buteo buteo) flying itself to death passing a turbine, which was a saddening sight. For those who want to look further into this matter (and yes, cats kill more birds than turbines, but that's real nature):






Your comments are very welcome.

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In my relatively unsophisticated opinion, solar arrays may be more productive in terms of sustainable energy without killing wildlife in the bargain. Vincent, the wind turbines you photographed appear as giant monoliths, probably because of the image's DOF. The blue hour aided in both color presentation and lighting. All this was due to your artistry and proficiency. - - My best always, michael
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Hi Wayne,


thank you for your appreciative comment! As a bird enthusiast I think this aspect of turbines is hardly heard, but should be a consideration. Kind regards, Vincent

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Hi Vincent, there is also a potential impact of radio frequencies and microwaves on wildlife, especially on bats. No masts should be placed near a bat habitat. Splendid composition. Best regards, Arthur
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Dear Vincent The interesting note that accompanies this beautiful photograph taken in the blue hour, led me to deepen this topic that I know little and I found many conflicting opinions on the internet. Some agree with your note, many others say that the numbers are exaggerated and that each wind turbine is responsible for only one to three birds per year which multiplied by the number of wind turbines results in large numbers, which are however significantly lower than those who die as a result of fossil and nuclear power plants. I will continue to delve into this topic that intrigued me, ciao Giangiorgio
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