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After the rain Puddles


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Why? It's not a selfie, as Mehrdad is a man with ... less hair than this woman, and the background is ... upside down ... I think I shall chalk this one up to a learning experience for everybody concerned. But WHY would one make such a thing? What is learned from it??
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I'm not exactly sure what I am looking at. It looks like she is taking a photo of her reflection in ice or water but the angle would be wrong so he must be taking a photo of the reflection of another photographer. I do like the fact that she is holding an old school film camera. (But her finger is no where near the shutter so what she actually doing is beyond my sensibilities). Also, if this was in fact a reflection of another photographer, wouldn't "Canon" be reversed?
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My guess is that the image is a composite. Regardless, I have difficulty wrapping my head around the subject's standing thigh-deep in icy water. Conceptually, the image doesn't work for me. Also, I'm kind of baffled regarding the presence of the large oblong object on the right and the leaf directly in front of the camera's lens. Having looked at Mehrdad's portfolio, I have no doubt whatsoever when it comes to his technical proficiency. So, why didn't he remove these objects?
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Dear Julie H, respectfully, you are entitled to your opinion, but there is no need to be untactful. (that's the best word I could use for your comment!!!) You may say that you don't like this photo, or you can't connect with it, but that's all! You know what? I just checked your photos in your portfolio and guess what, I cannot connect with any of your shots!!! But that is all I am going to say about your THINGS! and that is fine, as it is my opinion! I hope that you will grow up and learn how to comment on someone's photo. Have a good day Julie!

Dear John Stewart and Michael Linder, this photo is particularly shot regarding a challenge called Puddles. Yes, the original photo was upside down and I flipped it vertically and did a bit of tweaking. There are photos that you take to win a price and there are others that you post just because you like them. This photo is the latter. I don't expect everyone to connect with it or necessarily like it, but I like this photo, the same way I like my other shots :) There are different subjects in my portfolio and I hope that you will like some of them :) Regardless, I thank you both for your tactful comment/critiques :)

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Mehrdad, I think I was very tactful, considering the picture I am looking at. Or is it that by "tactful" you mean that you would prefer to be lied to? Anyway, my comment was in the interest of discussion, not aimed at the photographer. I remain mystified as to why this picture would or could be "liked." I don't accuse Mehrdad of lying when he says that he does "like" it.
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Mehrdad, I understand your point, if I read it correctly, that people differ in their likes and dislikes. None of the photographers I follow on PN expect others necessarily to like their work. On another note - I stand by my earlier comment about the distracting two objects in the image.
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The whole point of a different shot is aimed at making people pause and think about possibly a different angle, a different point of view, anything different and of course I mean it in a good way. People see puddles and a lot of them avoid puddles to avoid getting dirty/wet which comes with it. I believe that the reason we are called photographers is our different look at the very same usual subject and to come up with a "new/different" something which will cause people pause and to think, probably to reconsider the way they look at a dirty, muddy puddle. Again, as I mentioned, I don't expect everyone to connect with this shot and I agree that this is a controversial shot, and even partially agree with the distracting objects. Anyway, I thank you all for your time and for watching and commenting :) I think this shot already has done it's purpose :) Made people pause and to consider it :) PS Michael, I simply removed the distracting objects and I have attached the result, I shall agree with you that it looks better now, so thanks again :)

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Thanks Mehrdad. That's a little more helpful. I know most photographers play with turning reflections right-side-up. I am curious why you changed the coloring. In your version that you have not flipped (posted in your second comment above), the coloring seems much more appealing to me.
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I agree with Julie that the original shot shows a more natural color palette. Since the realism is more vivid, it gives a sense of outdoor, the surrounding environment (rainy/snowy) and of a traveller, who has stopped by to take a picture. In the post-processed version, the background of the reflected person seems slightly more abstract (probably due to the enhancements). The sense of reflection is still there, but the upside down perspective combined with the subdued blue haze makes the scene more about the person than about the pool or the ambience. Although less realistic, I like the colors in the post processed version, as long as I am not imagining this as a photo of a pool, rather an 'improvised' portrait. The reflection produces subtle pastel like warm shades of the woman's clothing that compliment the cooler background. Overall, good experimentation and outcome, but I am not sure if this is a week worth of discussion. That's fine, because not every photo has to trigger intense thinking or discussion and can still be worthy to look at.
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Viewers are as free to comment in any way they'd like, as free as photographers are to photograph whatever and however they'd like. The meeting point is the freedom on both sides of the coin. Artistic and critical expression can validly be passionate or subdued, provocative or benign, friendly or cutting. As for growing up, it's more a sign of petulance and less a sign of maturity to put down the work of someone who gives you honest feedback. The reason this photo has provoked discussion is that it was made POTW. That's what we're here for, regardless of the photo chosen. I think your photo would benefit from being part of a series or grouping of puddle/reflection shots. Context would give it more power. Context could also give more rationale for the murkiness of this particular photo. Its strongest visual aspect, to me, are the unfortunate sharpening outlines along the border of her coat and fingers. While the original file from which you worked has a good sense of water texture, the image you've presented makes the textures quite heavy so it almost looks embossed rather than like liquid. I liked the leaf in front of the camera. It was an almost surreal element, giving some energy to the narrative of the photo. I think that leaf element can work well if dealt with as such.
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My problem with this is that we see the image of the person with a Canon camera right where you look. Unless you are a camera geek, this is not very interesting. I suggest with self-portraits by reflection it is best to move the camera away from your face when taking them, it's easy to do and makes for a better shot. Technically the shot is good and I like the color and look, but I want to see the face, not the camera and the hands holding it. If it is not a selfie, then the same principle applies. I suggest most people aren't really fascinated by the camera.
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