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© Laura Marco Art Photography




© Laura Marco Art Photography

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Some time ago, a photographer friend of mine suggested to me how about making a version of the famous poem by Edgar A. Poe, The Raven.

Right away, I was marveled at the idea. Due to my formation, I have been very in touch with Literatures written in the English language: American, British, Australian literatures etc... there are so many works and authors over the years, that is difficult to cope everything. I already knew this poem. For the project, I've recreated a room that does not exist in reality, that is ... the two walls are located kilometers away from each other in reality, the floor is elsewhere far away, the landscape situated in my cottage etc. For me, it's like a vision of this poem.


Given that I am a rebel spirit, I have not dedicated myself solely to shape the verses, details and elements.

I made a mixture, where won a total lack of "resignation".

While the protagonist accepts his fate and stays in the impossible and foreboding, I've painted all with "hope".

Substituting the "nevermore!" for "forevermore!".

I think this is a rendering to enjoy another perspective, with my profound admiration and respect for this great American writer, Poe.


Humbly, I'd like to accompany my artwork with two new stanzas for this scene. I hope you like them, here we go!:



While he was sitting outside, afraid of memories of Lenore,

Unable to change his will and soul, - "Can't resign myself!" said she;

And with rage from the shadows, to destroy this liar crow she struggled, to be here anymore.

To ruin his unhealthy repeated curse over the walls and floor.

"We shall be together, we shall be together"-, she implored!

The man is now a mere shadow over the door.

Listening to the Raven's “Nevermore!.”



No feather will stand on this floor, so her hands twisted to grasp their flying forms.

"Go away!"-, said she, "go far from my life and hopes, leave our love still and sealed", -black demon of the night.

And the Raven began to move, afraid of the woman standing on the floor.

The sad bird finished in a deep silent, his recurring words didn't sound anymore.

Now, the room is empty, no bad creature. Only a love, a love, forevermore!

Listening to her prayer “Forevermore!.”



Forevermore! © Laura Marco

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It's really very interesting and beautiful work of art.
I like it very much.
More I take a look on your work, more I like it.


Best regards.



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Dear Warren and Andrey, I'm very glad about your visit to this image and very thankful  :)

I believe that eventually, one should return to contemplate these scenes with the passing of time, not only to be kept in a folder in the pc.

How I would like to get back to them, till the essence and flavor of a good wine was felt on the palate  :)


Thank you very much to you both! your appreciation is very welcome!

Kindest regards, Laura.

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Querida Laura, trovo le tue nuove immagini molto belle e significative. Ho colto tristezza, disperazione, dolcezza e relax felice; tutti i sentimenti hanno sapientemente ispirato le tue immagini ed ora li trasmettono ai visitatori! Un grande lavoro che si distingue anche per le magnifiche luci e le sapienti composizioni. Buon fine-estate e buon lavoro! Gianni.



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Cara Laura

E' passato un pò di tempo, ma non invano. In questo frattempo non sei stata con le mani in mano ma hai prodotto diverse immagini molto belle. Le tue opere non sono fatte per essere viste rapidamente. Di fronte alle tue immagini uno rimane tutto il tempo necessario per esaminare ogni singolo dettaglio e di volta in volta scopre tanti piccoli particolari importanti, aiutato dalla accurata descrizione che ti ha portato a realizzarlo. Le tue opere non sono sempre facili da interpretare, ciascuno che le esamina può trovare significati diversi rispetto ad altri osservatori, come si evince dai commenti.

A me piace il tuo lavoro da grande artista, la ricerca della ambientazione, la perfetta illuminazione, i contrasti dei colori e tutto quello che rende così belle le tue immagini. ciao Giangiorgio


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Dear Gianni, thank you very much! for your visit to the last uploaded images, yes! ... each one expresses a different feeling, depending on the elapse of time and different mood or reaction: like life itself, a tragicomedy. I think I have many ups and downs, something inherent to my nature.


Lighting is the part that most attracts me in photography.

Wishing you a happy summer as well and all my best!,

Con cariño, Laura

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Caro Giangiorgio, I could never stand with my hands crossed, even more in relation to photography. I always have in mind some ideas or new projects. Nor in summer I can stop. This summer, however, I have played guitar very little, perhaps in October with the coming of the new course, my teacher would want to tighten my neck with his hands :-)


I can not stop myself from telling what led me to create certain scene or stop talking about some important details for me. But I'm aware that each image has a different reading for each observer. We are all basically different and do not react in similar ways. "If we all tell the same things, we would be equal ..."  then life would be so boring. There is no "one absolute truth," nothing is true, everything is relative.


I marvel myself at reading every new interpretation, they're the pistons that compress and expand my imagination, as an engine.

The most difficult aspect for me is composition.

Lighting, I do love, being the quickest to be done or decide. And finally, colors are a joy for my imagination. what else?

Here, I'm leaving a link, just for some time, to a size of 1024 x 1024, to better look at details...

Forevermore 1024 px


Thanks for your visit, very valued and your support. Always very grateful!.

Con cariño, Laura

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