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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography
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No tengas miedo y dame tu mano. Ven conmigo adentro...

No importa si el lugar es lúgubre o reinan las sombras, al final...

estarás junto a mí.

Ven conmigo... permanece para siempre en el tiempo. Toda una


Los comentarios son bienvenidos, ¡gracias!

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Una immagine molto bella e ben composta con la figura umana in luce ben visibile e la casa cupa in ombra. Questa immagine e le tue parole mi fanno pensare alle Sirene ricche di fascino che tentano Ulisse che si fa legare all'albero della nave per resistere alla tentazione.

(mi ha fatto piacere il tuo commento alla mia foto scritto in spagnolo, una lingua molto bella e per me molto comprensibile.Il Regno di Sardegna è stato per oltre tre secoli sotto la Spagna e nella lingua sarda ci sono ancora molte parole e costruzione della frase di derivazione spagnola. continua pure ad usarla). ciao Giangiorgio

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Laura.  Nice tension between temptation and aversion.  I want to follow the beautiful woman but the environment is foreboding and dark.  This tension is really highlighted by the dark windows and doors that are mirrors of the woman's dress.  


 I really like the feeling and think the composition is really well lit.


All the best.  Dana...


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Dear Laura,


Most persuasive invitation or better to say longing for company of someone in particular or anyone! I don't understand quite! Although I understood the text which is in my friendly Spanish!

The stretched hand and the vast empty and dark space must be intended to emphasize the loneliness and the need of another soul!

That's all I can see and say!


Best regards



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Querido Giangiorgio, me agrada bastante la comparación que haces con la historia de Ulises y como él es tentado por las sirenas, por sus dulces cantos, en verdad, Ulises escapa de la tentación y regresa a casa con su adorada Penélope. Quizás sea el rostro de esta mujer, el de una de aquellas sirenas que al final es abandonada.

Yo leo en su rostro que ella cuenta con que no le cogerán su mano. No, la vida no se detiene en contemplaciones sentimentales, la vida sigue... el mundo gira y no se queda quieto, por una cara que suplica y llama.


Sabía lo de Cerdeña y que compartimos una historia en común.

Me alegra mucho que te guste leer español y lo comprendas bien, porque a mí me gusta escribir en mi lengua. Tengo más matices para elegir y me es más fácil comentar en las imágenes, alguna vez lo usaré. Yo entiendo todo lo que has escrito, no necesito buscar ninguna palabra, así que puedes escribir en italiano, ¡me gusta!.


Muchas gracias por todo y tu agradable visita y apreciación de esta obra.

Con cariño, Laura.

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Dear Dana, now that you say and I realizes the strong similarity between the color of her dress and the windows and door, a real vacuum, I perfectly appreciate the relationship, yes ... I'm with you about the idea that it's a beautiful visual game, like mirrows!. Maybe she's as forlorn as the house itself. 


Why aversion? with whom we'd want to be, no matter the place, wouldn't it?

There's no fear, there's nothing except the beloved one ... I put much effort into lights in this work. Pleased you've like it!

Thank you very much for everything and your appreciated visit.

Con cariño, Laura.

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Gracias Gianni,

Sí... estoy contigo... ¡siempre juntos!.

¿Significa "insieme"? ¿verdad?... ¡el mejor final de la historia!.

Muy apreciada tu visita, me alegro que te haya gustado.


Con cariño, Laura

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Dear Pierre, I think you've captured really well the message implicit in the image: loneliness and abandonment, beg, plea ...


All this is accompanied by the sad and abandoned place.

I'm gladly surprised you like reading Spanish. There're many people in the world that speak Spanish, more than people that speak English :)


In short, the message is this one: solitude.

We find people... who surround themselves by many other people and feel happy this way. I've been surrounded by people and I felt alone. I've been alone and I felt alone. What matters is our human nature, particular to each one of us, which finally marks us forever.

I try to make images that speak about me, it's mainly what moves me to keep going on, if not... I'd be easily exhausted or demotivated, I'm not photographer by nature, I'm philologist and above all "a dreamer and a narrator", and there's room for everyone, hope so! :)


Much appreciated your visit and everything.

Thank you. Con cariño, Laura

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