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© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

Witness Of Time



© Laura Marco (c) Art Photography

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Sitting within these walls, it's hard to have any references about how,

where or when.

It could be any nearby or distant time, no matter the day or the

hour ... (read more)

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Sitting within these walls, it's hard to have any references about how, where or when. It could be any nearby or distant time, no matter the day or the hour ... any memory of whoever may wait either. Parched and cracked plasters want to run away from the wall, they do not help to place me in any particular year of my life. Its appearance is identical for my childhood or for my life as adult, can be any moment that will eventually been saved as many others.


Smoothly, he moves along the edge of the iron door, softly and slowly, with such long legs; and I follow his movements with my eyes. The opilion is afraid of me, or rather the opposite, he seems not to care about me at all. Yes ... definitely, no matter if I'm sitting next to him or not. He quickly escapes my view, almost as fast as is being immortalized this stamp. My mind is thick, knowing to stop time and live as if they were eternal seconds, turning into an intimate eternity. There's any premeditation ... what attracts my interest, is this unique living being in the place, the rest no longer has life.


beautiful opilion
, with shiny grayish suit - "it's you and chants of birds who remind me that I'm still alive, still have my conscience, who keep me awake, where are you going?, don't you see that I love your grayish suit, your costume spider, because spider you're not. "-


I do not mind cobwebs present in each corner, with a lot of suspended dust that helps rays of light dancing everywhere, filtered by threads. Cobwebs do not bother me, neither the strong feeling of tiresome oblivion in this vault, or the land on the floor. We are close in a peaceful stillness.


elusive opilion
: "Was the chirp, produced by moving the entrance door, which woke you up ?, that's why you're leaving me now?, it still echoes in my mind, a metal tear that seeped into the depths of this silent place.


witness of the place, witness of future
, you're present right now, dumb ... beholding one after another pass by. I feel like putting my palm for you to go up, to shelter you.


It must be now ... after you'll see me die too, and I could not extend my hand to rock you ... you'll see me pass by in time as all of them did. I'm very little compared to this great coming and going, but I'm the only one present now, conscious, with my eyes open ... besides you.


It was a pleasure to meet you ... Now my mind is more agile, I must go, we'll definitely meet again.


2015 © Laura Marco

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I am always amazed by your creative ability to realize your project that you have well thought out and written, and the use of the perfect lighting also in special environments such as this little chapel. Contrary to you as a child I was terrorized by spiders. One day I was sent to take the eggs in the henhouse, and as I was going out the wind closed the door. I reached out to open it, but in front of the handle there were a lot of opilion dancing with their long legs . I was terrified that the spiders (for me at that time they were spiders) were ready to attack me. After a while not seeing me back my grandfather opened the door and found me in tears, since there for years I've been terrified by spiders also seen in picture. Ciao Giangiorgio
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I'm probably not smart enough to appreciate the context the writing brings, but noticed the composition. Its evocative - which is the thing I like best in a portrait/people shot. 'Wonderful treatment of light, color, pose. It seems laden with emotion, though I'm not the right person to say what. 'Nicely done.

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Dear Giangiorgio, I'm glad to know that you like the use of light in this interior space. An open door is a fantastic source of light, just to draw whatever.

I've thought about the episode with opilions that you've suffered as a child and ... It's never too late to overcome these traumas. It's true that opilions launch an irritant substance, only one of them, even two of them do not mean a problem, but many together can irritate.

The Opilion was situated in the border of the gate, in front of my face :)  and I really felt I disturbed his peace, he is part of this image as even he gives the title.

I think you're always in time to look from afar an opilion again, then a little closer, until you realize he's more afraid of you than you're afraid of him. Their legs are very easily broken. I've saved many spiders from sure death, crushed by people, just put next to them a sheet of paper, they ... go up on the sheet and I took them away ... I left them again where there is some vegetation. A sheet of paper, means safe passage to freedom and life.

Hopefully you'll overcome that fear.


Thank you very much for your comment, your visit is very welcome and appreciated.

Kindest regards, Laura

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Dear Doug, thank you for your kind words, they're very much appreciated. Of course, you're the right person to say whatever about this image which may inspire you.

Besides ... you've told me what I most look for gettting in my images: "evoke", produce feelings, emotions, create answers, memories to be recalled in viewers ... as it's your answer.

It's true that I also like the interior light, it gives a lot of freedom to accentuate and play. I would say that photography not only paints with light, but also paints with feelings and emotions.

I'm glad you find the composition well done, I tried to think about it and pamper it much.

Thank you very much for your kind words and pleasant visit.


Kindest regards, Laura

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It's a very good composition with beautiful colors.
I like the light entering through an open door, traveling inside and stops on the red flowers, like blood drops.
Thanks for your comments on my portfolio.

Best regards, Andrey.

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Dear Andrey, thank you for your comment on this composition. I'm glad you like the use of light and what you've said about flowers, like... blood drops... mmmm yes, maybe  :)

Red is a very powerful color. Color of emotions, to highlight a detail, then give a brushstroke with red.

There's a bit of sadness in the place, of respect, of blood tears, maybe.

Thank you Andrey for all, warm regards, Laura

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Querida Laura. 

Realmente un lujo para PN tener entre nosotros una "miembra" con tanto talento, el trabajo expuesto es fantástico, como también lo es la prosa que la acompaña.

Un abrazo.


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Querido Joaquín,

Gracias por tus palabras tan buenas y sinceras. La verdad es que creo he encontrado un buen lugar para compartir mis obras y lo que siento con ellas.

No soy fotógrafa por naturaleza, pero eso no me impide poder usar la fotografía como una manera de dar forma a muchos sentimientos, bien sean de dolor, alegría, enfados, absurdos, desesperaciones... poco importa, un canal que da salida a todo.

A veces pienso que es hasta terapéutico.

Lo mejor para mí, sois vosotros, la suerte de poder conocer a fotógrafos tan buenos como vosotros... entre ellos tú :)

Admirables manejando la cámara, con buen ojo fotográfico, buenos en postprocesado y en presentación artística... y lo mejor de todo: muy buena gente, humanamente.

Eso me gusta mucho, lo que más.

Por eso te agradezco el tiempo que me has dedicado, a mirar esta obra y a contarme/nos tus impresiones.


Gracias por todo Joaquín y un abrazo,


Con cariño, Laura

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FANTASTIC work! light is a major element but the contradiction between the place and the  beautiful lady sitting on the ground,barefoot (barefooted?) is striking! composition is "BINGO" the right side remains a guess as it should be... The eye look is very harmonic with the event/story/scene,but what caught my eye and enchanted my this time most of all (and you'll be surprised....) is the very gentle way you place your feet on the ground.....it is so feminine so tender and beautiful and says a lot !

A big bravo (brava ley?) !!!


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Dear Hanan, I love your comment and find it very friendly and welcoming what you're saying about my feet.

Many people, in photography, think that all beauty is only wrapped in a fasionable, beautiful face, arranged in the latest fashion ... maybe ... but there're people who can not leave this topic or evolve beyond ... there may be things and details which can be much more sweet and feminine than any glamorous photo dressed in trendy or an extremely thin, fashionable model etc.

Just I look for quite normal things  :)

Just simple feet? yes! ... they can be attractive (don't know really why, car they're quite normal) and maybe we'll devote some time to look at them :) To me they're also what I like most in the image, besides the pot of red flowers. Those two details.


Now I'm working in any job, but I want to start one soon; I can not force anything, just ... everything comes naturally. Suddenly I can not think of anything new, that I wake up and all is crowded hurriedly with ideas :) I'm having some holidays at the beach.


Your English is very good, I understand you perfectly. Big bravo? in Spanish could be "gran aplauso - great applause". If you ever want to write few words in Hebrew, me with a translator, I could understand ... the only word written in Hebrew that I recognize quickly is - thank you! תודה It is the only one I've learned :) I find Hebrew very interesting.


Thank you very much for your impressions about this work, you've helped me and encouraged me a lot, so dear Hanan... תודה!



Kindest regards, Laura

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Marvelous montage,staging,light , and story.

I hope for her not to wait long ,for time is a precious commodity ,we have to live it with as much as we could of joy and happiness,we have only this moment of our time,the past is lost,and the future haven't comes yet.


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Dear Saad, yes ... everything seems to be uncertainty.

The past can not be changed, the future, we do not know about, but ... today should be joy.

Thanks for the good recommendation and I'm glad that you've liked this picture. It transmits me great peace, great serenity ... calm ... as if with it... I would have been able to stop Time.

Thank you for your kind words and your visit, much appreciated.

I'll also go gradually reviewing your images.

All my best, kindest regards, Laura

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