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© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

Connected (Click to view Larger)


1/2000 sec @ F/8 Focal Length 14mmISO 140 Tripod


© © Alf Bailey Photography 2014

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Alf, your light handling here, under highly difficult conditions, is superb, delivering a dreamy, out of this world feeling. You have managed to turn a rather simple and ordinary composition into a magical storyteller...Fantastic!

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This was taken shortly after sunrise.......the grasses were soaked in dew

and the lighter bits you can see in the foreground are the millions of spider

webs covered in moisture. I used slightly warmer tones when processing

this one. Your thoughts and comments are always welcome. Thank You.

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Wow!  What a beautiful image and a beautiful time of the day.  Misty morning dreaming, I think.  It is dream like and magical at the same time.  

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Early morning mist is creating an almost surreal ambiance Alf. I like the composition and your choice of view. The fence is the key here for me as it leads me to look into the center, but I also love the means of getting to the other side of the fence, and I'm assuming this leads to the title, Connected. Great work.

Best Always,


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Beautiful scenery, with magic light and lovely golden colors.  The dawn mist adds magic to this photograph! I love it!

Kind Regards,


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Such a 'gift'. It calms my eyes and causes my mind to wander....perhaps dream of such a beautiful place. Lovely work Alf. I never tire of your imagery.


sincere regards, Gail

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Sorry Alf,

I'm the odd one out again, a picture to me is to see something. Here, three quarters of the image is hidden by the fog. Just don't see what the others are making a fuss about. You tick all the box's for me 99% of the time, this is the 1% when you don't.

How's the tutoring going?

All The Best


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I have to disagree with Gary (whom I just gave a helpful comment vote nevertheless :-). I appreciate the contrast between the highly detailed meadow and the lack of detail in the fog. The far shore with the silhouette of the tree bridges those two regions quite nicely. Yes, I can't see what's there, but one can always imagine ...  Some of the best images (in my opinion) often show little, or just enough, but inspire the viewer to let his or her mind run wild.

Aside from these metaphysical interpretations: I love the way how you handled the light here.

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I'm with the majority, the balance with the detail and the mist is spot on. It follows all the rules of composition (which don't have to be slavishly followed, but are there for a reason).

I only do sunrises in the winter so you get a big mark for effort. Regards.

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This is both an impressive and expressive piece of work, Alf. You hit the creative daily double with this picture. It seems to drift serenely in a timeless land somewhere just beyond our imagination.
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Passing marks just for getting up at sunrise, the rest of the 100% for the visual impact.  Your 1\2000 sec. sure stopped the sun in it's tracks. :-)  Another great composition from your part of the world.  This is getting boring.  Nothing to find fault with.  Love the way the orb of the sun and tree forms a virtual diagonal with the fence ladder.  I always look forward to viewing your latest. (older posts also, of course).  Best, LM.

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The morning mist helped enormously with the light, diffusing the harshest of the suns rays nicely,  but it was changing all the time and I just had to wait for the right moment. 

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






I am really pleased that the ethereal quality of the mist appeals to you, it did to me too, it was a fantastic morning! 

Thank you so much! 






It was quite eerie at times, particularly when the mist became really thick and I couldn't  see the path I had just walked upon seconds earlier. But I enjoyed it immensely and count myself fortunate every time I witness something like this. You are quite right about the way I arrived at the title too, I did wonder if anyone would work it out : - ) 

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and kind words Holger! 


Best Regards 






I am so very pleased you like this one. I took about 15 shots from different angles of this scene, and this is one of the two I like best.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






I chose a misty morning to hide the ducks from you : - ) 


My Sincere Thanks!






Thank you for your thoughts and kind words!

I think the combination of foreground detail and distant fog works quite well, but you are right it does become more apparent when viewed large.


Best Regards 






My Ambidextrous friend : - ) 

I had to read that opening line twice I thought it said "What a git" lol 

Thank you so much for your thoughtful comments and kind words, I am glad this provided a moments respite for you. 

Best Regards 






Thank you my friend! 

The mist was there to help : - ) 

Best Regards 






Thank you for your most encouraging feedback, there was a bit of trial and error involved.

Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your thoughts and kind words. It's a great location too, I have never seen another photographer within the vicinity of this lake.

Best Regards 






I think Christoph has replied for me here. But as I have said before everything is subjective and we all can't like the same things. Maybe there is something in your subconsciousness that relates to mist in a a negative way like a "Bogey Man" lol Just kidding 

For most people though  I suspect that the ethereal light and dream like qualities more than make up for the lack of detail in the distance. For myself it is the ambiance and silence, and suspense of now quite knowing what lies beyond that makes these type of images so appealing. And of course I don't mean just mine, I am inspired to take these shots by the many images I have seen on PN and the wider photographic community.

The tutoring is going exceedingly well, my students are keen to book more excursions and they also want to book a processing course.

Thanks for your input Gary

Best Regards 






We all have different likes and dislikes and the infinite variety of tastes are one of the aspects of photography that make it so so fascinating.

For this one though I am with you, in fact it is most gratifying to read that you describe perfectly the very effects I was trying to achieve 


My Sincere Thanks 






I am very pleased you mentioned the composition, in this case it "connects" the thirds aspects of  the image in a diagonal line. 

I am also pleased that you added the bracketed comment relating to the rules not being slavishly followed. Too many people take the "Rule of thirds" far too literally ......perhaps we should rename it "Guideline of thirds"  : - ) 

I prefer winter landscapes too, but can't wait around all summer without taking a shot, and therefore get up at silly hours to get some decent light.

Many Thanks for your positive feedback and kind words! 


Best Regards 







Thank you for your thoughts and kind words, mucha ppreciated! 


Best Regards 






From the bejewelled spider webs to the eerie abandoned stone cottages, it was a morning worth remembering and capturing.

I am very pleased that you shared my vision.


Sincere Thanks 






I didn't expect marks for getting up at sunrise Len, everyone knows it was just to go to the bathroom : - )

"Nothing to find fault with"..........Hmmm I must be getting very finicky, it took me ages to process this, but in the end I didn't change much from the original, just the white balance. 

I am glad you liked the composition, I tried to use the Stile for foreground interest and then use the wall and fence as a leading line to the tree and sun.

Thanks for stopping by Len and leaving your thoughts, always good to hear from you! 


Best Regards 



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I do like the detail in the foreground when the larger version is viewed.

For me anyways, . . . I see the possibility of three connections that might make me arrive at the "Connected" title also.

The Spider Webs connecting the grasses in the foreground.

The Fence Ladder offering a connection of either field on either side of the stone and wire fence. And, that "Fence Ladder" really adds to the overall composition I think.

Although not complete, . . . the fence connecting the banks of the small visible Inlet.


The overall composition works well for me, . . . the trees reflection on the water of the Inlet, the position of the Sun and the Fence crossing.


Regards always,

Jim j.



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You opened up new connotations for me relating to the title and the spider webs! 

The fence / ladder is known as a "Stile" and I always find them fascinating, they come in all shapes and sizes from very simple to the more complicated in construction like this one. They all have one purpose in common though and that is to aid the traveller to cross a barrier such as a fence or a wall.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and most encouraging feedback Jim.


Best Regards






It was a very fresh morning, even though the sun was trying to break through, it remained cool in the early hours.


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






It was a bit of trial and error with the light and difficult to gauge because the density of the mist kept changing, but suffice to say some shots worked and some didn't.

Sincere Thanks! 




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I can feel the morning moisture run through my body...I feel I'm ready for the adventure that awaits across.  The new day is full of challenges and I can't wait to confront them...

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