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Resident Evil (Click for larger view ....if you dare)


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The poor guy looked like he had been in a road accident, the mark on his

head is an open wound.........But .......he did look a bit spooky I just

selectively darkened the scene to errm accentuate it a bit more!


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated Thank You!

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At the expense of insulting this poor man, he looks rather evil and sinister.  I think it's the posture and his eyes that make it so.  That, along with your (expected) expert processing.  Great image and timely for the Halloween season.

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This is quite a distinctive shot. The character and setting certainly speak of dark places and frightening nights. Was this a staged shot? It's hard to believe that a scene so theatrically perfect could exist in real life. This could be a still from one of those wonderful horror movies of the 1930's and with Halloween just around the corner, an apt inclusion.
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I work with homeless people in Liverpool City Centre and so kind of resent the title which reflects the prejudice and hostility they routinely encounter. However, technically it's a great shot and very evocative. Could another title preserve the integrity of the image whilst presenting an alternative viewpoint. I dunno maybe something like "Damaged goods" ?


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Very, very impressive with your skill of using light.  Excellent design with the excellent contract in B/W.  Best Regards,

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That was exactly the feeling I got when I looked at him. Though in reality I'm sure he was perfectly harmless.

I would also agree that the posture and the sideways look contributed to that notion.  The bruising and injuries he had sustained obviously added to the look.

But I wouldn't want to insult the guy either and posted this purely in a light hearted way for Halloween.

Sincere Thanks Christal






This wasn't staged at all, it was a shot that I took when I was just taking random street shots in Liverpool. The guy was standing in an elevated position and his sinister expression struck me so I took a series of shots of him......with a long range lens so it wasn't obvious.

I then darkened the image to accentuate the eerie elements of the scene.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards





Many Thanks for your interest and observations.


It is quite comforting to know that there are dedicated people like yourself willing to spend time to care for and defend the homeless.


But for the avoidance of doubt, please allow me to explain that there was nothing at al to indicate to me that this character was indeed "Homeless"  Rather to the contrary he was dressed very well and the only looked sinister because of his expression and the bruises and injuries that he had obviously recently sustained. My processing was aimed at accentuating those factors.


The intention of the image was to present a spooky shot in tune with the theme of Halloween and never intended to reinforce prejudice or hostility to homeless people.  In fact nothing could be further from my mind.

I have first hand experience of being homeless (Albeit for a relatively short period of time) and therefore I view people in destitute situations as a "There but for the grace of god go I" philosophy.


Ideally I like to spend time speaking with the people on the street, and you may find the dialogue attached to the image "Fragile" interesting. The image can be located in the folder named "people" bottom far left.

To summarise my thoughts I would just like to clarify that as far as I am able to determine this was not a homeless person, although after my processing it is easy to understand why you may think otherwise.


Have a great weekend Graham


Best Regards 






Many Thanks for your interest and positive feedback, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 



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Your perfect timing and processing has rendered this image "evil" when I am sure in reality he is just another average person like the rest of us. Great job on this one; I really like to see your imagination at work! As usual, another fine photograph! Thank you for sharing. :)

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You know, he could be an "A"lien "L"ife "F"orm but then there would be two of you ;-).  Victor Hugo would be proud of your creation and this guy would make a great Quasimodo.  Technically I think you have accomplished your intent very well.  Excellent work... Mike

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Hi Alf,

A fine image, with a well developed "mood" expressed.

Did you hand hold this lens and what were the technical details for this image ?

Best Regards my friend, Mike


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You've expanded your range!  What a great shot worthy of a 40s movie poster.  Terrific tones!  Compliment! ~~~~L

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Hi, Alf! It's been a long time since you posted a street shot! It is very dramatic and provoking. Great black and white work. Warm regards, Tamara
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Hi Alf

This is a Masterpiece! The play between light and shadow, composition and facial expression of this "Creature of The Night" all add up to a malevolent atmosphere...


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This is a one in a lifetime shot! It is perfect. It is like it has been taken in a movie studio or a theater stage...And this guy is a super star! My complimets Alf!

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A very good image, though personally I am more inclined to interpret it in terms of a rather miserable human condition then of something simply evil. Which of the two aspects is the cause and which the effect is a mystery that makes the shot interesting.

Regards, Tibi

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This is just excellent, Alf. Seven, if there was a rating available. A work of art!!

Best regards Eystein

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I liked Jack's thoughts on this image Alf. This man from the appearance of his clothes, (they seem very clean and of good quality!) does not appear to be homeless. I know when I have walked in places in different towns as evening draws nigh, I see characters that just seem to be a bit 'shady'. However, this may not be the case with this fellow. But you certainly captured the perfect 'stance' and expression on his face. Well done Alf, the processing certainly added to the whole effect.

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You are quite right, he probably is just another person trying to get along in world like the rest of us.  I just caught him at a moment when he was looking particularly disgruntled.  It was only much later that I thought about selectively darkening the image to accentuate the imagined "evil" element.

Sincere Thanks for your thoughts and positive feedback Trisha


Kind Regards 






Now you know if I had posted a self portrait it would have been much more scary : - ) 

Sometimes I labour for hours over a landscape trying to get it right.  This took all of 10 minutes to process lol

Many thanks Mike I appreciate your comments! 


Best Regards 






This was most definitely a "hand held" shot as are all my street shots. 

A tripod is really too much of an encumbrance on busy city streets.

I cranked up the ISO to 800 on my D700 and used a Tamron SP 70-300mm F/4 - 5.6 Di VC USD

The aperture was wide open a F/ 5.6 and the resulting shutter speed was 1/ 500 sec

The photo was originally fairly well lit, but I darkened the image purely in order to accentuate the mood.

Sincere Thanks & Best Regards Mike.






I do try and diversify now and then, sometimes I manages it for a short period of time, before the love of landscapes and nature drags me back : - ) 

I'm so pleased you liked it! Thank you so much! 






It has been a while yes, I must get back over to my beloved Liverpool and  spend some time there, its always an adventure.

This one wasn't really aimed at being a natural street shot, although that's how it started out before I processed it.  But as there isn't a "Halloween" category I posted it here : - ) 

Always good to get your thoughts and comments! 


Sincere Thanks & Warm Regards 






I know its traditional to "dress up" for Halloween, but I thought if I could find something that looked naturally sinister then it might look a bit less contrived.

Your comments kind of confirmed that for me. Thank You! 






Many Thanks for your interest and thoughtful feedback, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 






I'm not sure if "beautiful" would describe it, but I do appreciate your positive comments : - ) 


Best Regards 






Yes indeed it was the facial expression that sold it to me too, the darkening was all done PP.

Its very pleasing to read that the combination gave the result I was looking for.

Many Thanks! 






I really like your take on this. He is indeed a "superstar" albeit unknowingly.  

Sincere Thanks for your thoughtful feedback! 


Best Regards 






I think your interpretation is probably much more accurate, but for the purposes of drama and occasion I gave the image a more leading title.

Though truth is often stranger than fiction! 


Sincere Thanks & Best Regards 






Thank you so much!  It's easy to be creative when you have such quality ingredients : - ) 


Best Regards 






I also liked Jacks take on it.  

I am fairly sure this guy was well turned out from his appearance and dress.  But there was something menacing about his demeanour, whether this was imagined or real we will never know, but if the expression on his face was anything to gauge it by then I rest my case : - ) 


Many Thanks for your thoughtful feedback Gail, much appreciated! 


Best Regards 






A real street shot with a bit of artistic licence to celebrate Halloween.


Many Thanks 






Many Thanks for your most encouraging feedback my friend! 


Best Regards 





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This gentleman has the appearance of having been mugged and of intently looking for his assailant.  Although it appears that he has a support brace on his right arm, he does not strike me as someone who has any real handicap.  He looks to me like he has fought many tough battles throughout his lifetime.  

The darker tonality in this image is compelling.  It drew me in immediately.striking.  Outstanding black and white work . . .

My best always, 


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