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Peaceful Moment - (enlarge)

Img_7835_16_08_2012 Fine Art - Canon Rebel T3i - Canon EF 100mm f2.8 Macro USM - Shutter Speed: 1/3200 sec - Focal Length: 100mm - F/Stop: f2.8 - Aperture: f/2.8 - ISO Speed Ratings: 100 - Exposure Program: Aperture - Metering Mode: Spot - Flash Did Not Fire -

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There are so many more than excellent Insect Images on PN by so

many talented Photographers, so I thought I'd do something different

with this capture. This image was from last Summer. I have a 2 other

images of this Grasshopper in my 2012 Folders. He had just finished

mating and stayed resting for quite awhile on a Geranium plant out

front. I took quite a few images of him. When I came across this

image, I thought back to that day, and remembered how peaceful it

was in the front garden. Just me and the grasshopper. No

lawnmowers were causing any racket, no people in the

neighborhood conversing angrily, or children yelling 'Marco Polo' in

the pool out back. Just me and the Grasshopper. Sometimes some

of the most basic and simple things in life, are what result in a

delightful moment in 'just another ordinary day'.

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You are right - In the overwhelming amount of macro images it's hard to compete so trying new ways can be a good way to get attention and in any case search for perhaps better ways. I'm not sure the grittier approach works - but i do like the toning and composition of the image.

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I like this image a lot, Gail, as well as the accompanying reminiscence. Those moments of connection - even with a humble, tired grasshopper - often resonate more than objectively more important events in our life. We're seldom relaxed enough for those moments to really penetrate into our psyche. They wash over us like a wave but as much as they may bowl us over, we seldom reflect on them as they are happening and we're often left with just the most general of impressions. These quiet moments have real staying power. The flowers, the breeze and the little grasshopper imprint themselves on our memory and in quiet moments we can summon them back with all the attendant feelings intact.


As for the photo, I really like the contrast between the detailed designs on the grasshopper and the more impressionistic feeling of the flower petals.

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Hi Gail,

I enjoy your artistic approach that best matches the way you express your feelings about the time and place that you find peacefulness.

For myself, this presentation suggests a "dream state"  where  our imagination forms an image of Nature from reality, and the "macro" sharpness and details is not what matters.

Wonderful work my dear friend.

Warmest Regards, Mike 

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Gary the grasshopper relaxed for a moment and contemplated his flowery surroundings.  It had been a difficult year, a bent antennae was just healing nicely when he contracted hay fever........of all the things a grasshopper would wish to avoid!   The sun was shining though, and despite fits of sneezing and in-prompt sounds coming from his back legs, he was feeling positive.  He shifted position slightly and angled his face towards the sun, being a herbivore ain't so bad he thought, I don't have to go very far to get my "five a day" 

Lovely image Gail, a laid back grasshopper was just what I needed to see! 





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Always a wonderful story for my 'insect' images. Even adults need to hear a 'fairy tale' once in awhile, and yours are give me such a chuckle. So I thank you for the accompanying narrative to this composition Alf. ;-) can always use a 'smile' near the end of the day.

Sincere regards, Gail

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Dear Gail, I love the colors and texture you give to this image. Is good to remember specially go back to moments of peace and happiness!!!



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I could imagine that peaceful time with the grasshopper with just a small amount of tension  or mild expectation for when it makes the next big hop.   All the very best on this very good image.

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What is different from other macro is for sure your style that gives something special to photo you work,compliments Gail.

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Very delicate scene you captured here Gail, soft tones and colours I highly appreciate. Very well done, I LOVE it!

Take care.


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so good to hear you really enjoyed this composition. I knew not everyone would be drawn to it, so was a little nervous about the processing, but once I was at the point where I felt finished I knew I was pleased with it, so many thanks for your encouragement!

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I really appreciated your words of critique. They are so true, at least for me. I don't know what I'd do if I lived in a really large city today. I think I would find it very difficult to cope. I know ones gets used to what one has to, but I have found where I am now, just about as fast as I'd like to go. Around 6pm I went out to do some shopping, spent far too long in a store and came home without the things I'd wished to get. What a waste of time. I could have been sipping on some wine on our back deck with my husband, and just enjoying the quiet. While there are houses all around us, there is never much noise. It has proven to be a wonderful home and very nice neighborhood.


That being said, it still is very easy to take for granted the very small instances within a day when a little bit of a 'miracle moment' happens. Being aware, and taking the time to let the beauty of the moment 'sink in' so that it will be that memory I will look back on is very important. This instance was one so peaceful...just me and a grasshopper...I may sound 'daft' but I'm okay with that!! Thanks so much for your very wise comments, I truly appreciate them.

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