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Rio Gondoliers

Wayne Sadler

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I was privileged recently to discuss this image with another artist who is

good at giving me an honest critique. I made an adjustment based on that

critique. They agreed that this was a fairly strong composition but were

concerned about the busy feel of the image at the bottom left. I thought

this too but have become pretty accomplished with lying to myself about

the weaknesses of an image. I prize PN for artists/patrons who give

honest critique and analysis. That is how we truly grow as arists.

Comments and critique welcome

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  Beautiful image with wonderful colors & composition.   I wish I could help with solving the problem you are having with this image.  Take care, Patsy

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Thanks, Patsy.  Not a problem exactly.  When I eliminated some details using a painting like effect, the image took on a soft feel.  And although this emphasizes the shapes and forms making up the composition I am not sure how much I like the loss of dynamism (color, contrast, movement, energy/agitation).  I think what I am saying is this image has a dullness to it.  Although peaceful, this gondola ride was anything but dull.  

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I can't say that I can help you Wayne, but I can say that I think it is quite beautiful. Your talents as a 'painter' are really very good and improve all the time. Lovely!

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