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Church - Interior Front View

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Beautiful detail and wonderful symmetry, I love those ceiling paintings and the majestic colours. very well exposed and presented.

Nice work John!

Best Regards


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Absolutely beautiful!  The whole composition is wonderful.

Minor nit pick; the image appears to be tilted about a degree or two to the left.

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Raymond Borg wrote:

Superb sharpness and great DOF.

I have to disagree with Raymond on this one: I've looked at the Large version and only the bottom quarter of the image (the benches in the foreground) is sharp, the middle half is okay-ish in this department, with some weird things sharpness-wise going on in the top quarter (e.g., look at the coat of arms in the middle of the arch).  Suspect it might have something to do with lens's performance (?)  An image like that should be tack-sharp "from head to toe", but there's only so much one can do with given optics, so if that really is the limiting factor, maybe you could try stacking multiple exposures for increased DOF (it's a pretty neat post-processing technique which I'm about to try myself :)

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Thank you all for you comments and visit.

Tomek you are absolutely right and I agree with the lack of sharpness at the very edges. The reason for this is due to the use of an open aperture of f3.5. Since I was not in a position to use a tripod I had to open the aperture and shoot handheld. The lens resolution suffers as you may well know. Had I been in a position to use a tripod I would have closed the lens probably to f11 with the lens I used (Sigma 10-20mm 3.5), with much improved performance. This aperture is the sweet spot of this lens. Thank you for your contribution and best regards!!

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