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© (C) 2010 Luca Sbordone



1/40 f4 @800 ISO


© (C) 2010 Luca Sbordone

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luca i lil\ke this. very sign of the times 2010 shot here! samme.
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questa è deliziosa davvero...la cosa più bella sono le facce dei due tipi sulle sedie che sembrano due trespoli...Bravo!





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Everything was nicely executed, and the contrast in their expressions completes this shot! Congrats!
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  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
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  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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Splendid. Absolutely hilarious. I almost wish you had corrected the perspective, though, to remove the pincussion effect. If you'd moved about 6 inches to the right you would have shot them straight on. As it is, it would benefit from leveling (as in a carpenter's level) and perspective control.

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My first cut on the image was that I found these two guys look a lot like some actors common in comedy movies, but I can't remember their names right now.

The image certainly has some comedic qualities, but I also see it in a bit of a different light. Because of the description, as well as the setting, we know that these gentlemen are waiting for an airplane. For 18 years I worked in a suit every day and travelled quite extensively. One of the perks of traveling back in those days(pre cell phone/digital age) was that you could have some downtime away from the phone, the office and work. Now, we have all of these modern conveniences that keep us "connected". Seeing these two men confined, or boxed in, while they are connected and working just seems a fitting image to express the "freedom" we have gotten from all of these devices!

I like the basic demeanor and posture of the two men and the similarities and differences as well. I don't think there was probably a better image of these two to be had, but wish there was a little less of a messy feeling here. I don't mean order, but the image feels like it is a bit too busy with all the plugs, wires and tangencies.

As to the image itself, I would say that I think "my confinement" idea would work better without so much foreground and probably a bit less at the top as well. But regardless of that concept, I find the image a bit loose in both of these areas and am not sure there is a function being served by either, and less by the extra foreground. I am certainly not saying that all of the room here should be removed, that would lose the context of this cubby and some of the sense of isolation this image imparts. In that same vein, a little more lateral room on each side might be warranted as well to complete the feeling of isolation.

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What a wonderful commentary on an aspect of life today, as John A. described so well. Personally, it was the wires plugged into the wall that really brought a lot of life (and meaning) to this photograph for me. I would find this kind of photography very difficult, and I have great respect for those like Luca who can say so much about people and society in a single photograph.

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I agree with Hal B's comment about the perspectives - and ideal camera position being a bit more to the right -, although it's not all that important in my view. But I also fully agree with Stephen's comment. Respect ! And I too love the wires ! Very amusing and well set. Great POW, imo, and I enjoy seeing a bit of humor on the front page of photo.net, for a change. Keep up the good work !

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This is an extraordinary image, and one that makes me smile too. The two characters do not only have their computers connected to the wall, they are also brilliantly connected by you -- by how you found symmetry between the two and captured it so skillfully. People-observation photography at its best!

One "but" only from my side: but why didn't you crop it to a square? That would nail the composition even stronger.

Still, my congratulations for this fabulous work.

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Love it! A very true documentary on today's lifestyle. I may have fixed the key-stoning, but no big deal. Love the wires as well

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It is a good and funny mirror and documentary to our "equipped " modern society. All the wires plugged in enhances the feeling of reality and humor, "breaking" a tiny bit the symmetric situation . I agree with Adam , cropping some and create it as a square will even enhance the whole. It is as well just a personal feeling. The timing is very good as is the observation Well chosen for this POW. Congratulations Luca.

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This is certainly a fun and very nice image as everybody points out.

There are two things I would change:

  1. There is too much dead floor space; I would crop a little from the bottom.
  2. Related to that, everything is just too symmetrical, too balanced to me. I would put the two people a bit off center and include some wall space from either the left or right side. Less symmetry would make the image more lively.
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The man on the left appears to be browsing PhotoNet, the other contemplating his next move in solitaire.... Excellent shot... Mike


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