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Morning Dove


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Although this Morning Dove was leary of me being so close, she was

not about to leave her preciouse egges that she'd been keeping warm

for quite some days. comments welcome with tnks, Gail

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Although this is an Ink Outline.....it still was difficult to see that she'd actually made the nest on top of our Privacy Fence where she was completely enveloped with a Honeysuckel Vine about to burst into full bloom. She and her mate were even back this past spring to start the ritual all over again.
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Your last comment I was really excited: I do not deserve so much! Thank you, you have a great sensitivity to the world and confirm that there are still people who can speak to the heart and soul ... thank you so much to you! Your image is very beautiful, and the treatment is excellent ....maxa! Warm regards


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Hi Gail!

Perhaps she sensed in you another soul that cared deeply for her young, and although wary, accepted your presence and felt safe in your yard. &nbsp Your rapport with her is evident in this image.

You are both special mothers...

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Hola Gail. Un trabajo fantastico, creatividad, luz y color, excelente. Felicidades. Un cordial saludo, Joaquin. Max.
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You see, I only spoke the truth......you are so humble....and if you were not, I am not sure you would produce such marvelous works of art Diego. And you do deserve to be told just how much I (we) appreciate these qualities in you. I think PN would be a terribly sad place if it were 'cold and clinical'....photographers just critiquing as one would a ' university test'......


Great photography I feel is borne of a deep passion that is stimulated by all our senses......what we see, feel, smell, touch....these things that 'move' us and make us 'react'......they are what tells the brain to 'realease the shutter'. (I am still talking about great Photography here...not 'sleezy, useless excuses for photos'...we see those on every newstand. I do not think I have ever seen a 'post' where you have used a 'harsh' word, or remark in an off-handed way. It would be 'counter productive' and I truly believe you are more intelligent than that. You have been bred to 'celebrate beauty'.....and cherish what is 'precious in this world'.


And that is why we see such remarkable images in your Portfolio. Don't ever change......or feel embarassed by a compliment. You ARE deserving. Thank you for this visit and critique....I DO appreciate the time you take to comment. Sincerely, and respectfully, Gail

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You pay me a great compliment with your words.....and I thank you...perhaps that is why she did not flutter away in a panic. I had to climb a ladder to get this shot....and even life a bit of the Honeysuckle leaves to get a clear view of her. It is so sweet to watch the 'pair'.....in the spring while they are making ready their nest, they would often sit side by side down on the ground, in the warm spring sun - preening each other.


For birds, they looked to me like they were in 'love'. How nice for them in their 'simple- ness' to teach us a lesson. thank you both for your kind words.


*Dave*.......that remark about being a 'special mother' touched me very deeply and I thank you. My daughter and her 2 young children are in a 'dangerous' domestic situation....thankfully her husband does not know of this site. And there is not much I can do about it.....with the laws the way they are, if she fled, there could be repercussions....The children are 8 and 5 1/2....and they worry for their Mom. I cannot believe I feel I have to say these words aloud. I guess it is out of being so worried. She is 'mi heart'......they are my 'life'..........please say a prayer to 'whomever' you believe is the ultimate power in our lives....they truly are in need of intersession. many thanks,Gail

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I am not totally sure what you have said but I gather this much that you seem to really like the image....good enough for me!! perhaps one day I"ll speak fluent in many languages!! Merci!
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Thankyou Gallego for your enthusiastic response that tells me your are pleased with this image.........spurring me on to work even harder....most sincerely, GAil
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I try to write you, if the some place is here. You should to be an art critic. You have great gift,

a great talent to recognised the essential into the image. You knows feeling it, you are able to touch full detail in their many times mysterious moving in the pictures with different style, with different authors. And your language, this is original a bonne bouche, with belong to your appreciation. Excuse me my poor English, it can seems like old after time flower. I am self education man only. I had never any English teacher. But I always tell you, a beautiful image, the motive, the colours and pp. Ed

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Firstly, your response to my comment on your image "Going through the paces" was very touching and represented an almost parallel experience of my own, and one that I suspect a lot of other people would feel the same empathy.

Your words carry the same passion, emotion and honesty as is depicted in your images.

This particular image is no exception, it has the appeal and light of a pencil edged water colour, but retains the quiet mood and atmosphere of the moment in time.


Great work Gail, well done!


Warm Regards



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Beautiful and very artistic treatment on this one Gail. First I thought that the dove was carved out of wood, but no, it was your magic fingers that turned this nesting bird into a iece of art....again. Great presentation my friend. Take really good care and all the best to you and your family from your friend in Stockholm
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Good artistic work Gail, you really are mastering the potential of the digital age.


I think morning doves must have a preference for privacy fencing and vines. We have an annual visit from two of them that nest in a vine on top of our fence. I'm not sure if it's mum and dad coming back or the juniors that were born there. But it's always fascinating to watch the babies being taught to fly, with mum and dad taking turns teaching and guarding. Life has so much wonder in it.


All my best, Bill

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