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© copyright Sue Foll

Tender loving care. I brought some mint leaves in from the garden for dad to smell. Mum brushed his...



© copyright Sue Foll

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Part of a series of photographs about my parents. I brought the mint

leaves in from the garden for dad to smell, whilst mum brushed his hair,

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the tenderness is palpable and the moment and emotion are real.

even without the sweet title the heart rate accelerates. . .

Undeniable fact that I'm truly touched by this beautiful poignant image.

(photographically) I may consider cropping the hand in the right bottom corner - but that is just nitpicking, an afterthought. Forget I mention it. It belongs just as is, just where it is.

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I chose to keep the hand in (although it could be slightly sharper) because it gives the sense of my mum 'hanging on'. She has health issues herself and the body of work is about their relationship to each other and their respective health.


I also chose a colour temperature which I felt to be quite visceral for the same reason.

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This is indded a poignant image, full of tenderness and respect. The gesture of the hand with the brush is touching and affecting.


I know that you say you chose this white balance deliberately, but FOR ME, there was a great deal more power when I chose a neutral white rather than the blue cast you used. Out of respect, I didn't post it, but you might try it again?

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Thank you Louis,


I only use colour if I think it adds something. At the moment it's staying in colour and at this temperature because it captured more of the eeesence of that day. When I view this collection in it's entirety I may make ajustments to unify the whole. It's a work in progress at the moment.


Thanks to you all for looking and commenting, I appreciate it.


Best wishes



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A truly touching photograph. The expression on your dad's face says " I know how much you love me". I agree with you that the hand in the corner belongs there.
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For some reason, I think black and white would tend to de-personalize it, abstract it a bit. This way it's real. His gaze is where it should be. The cooler temperature, to me, is evocative of something significant even as it plays off the mood of the content. The left hand gesture is as integral as the right hand holding the mint. I've seen that gesture myself. Thanks.

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Photography at its' most honest and intimate moments.  Gut wrenching.

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Sue,  Excellent photograph in terms of all technical aspects and I like the composition, I think it 's just perfect with the eyes looking at his dearest companion (Mum). The subject is indeed quite moving as it reminds me of a very similar experience. The brush and the mint are beautiful touches.  Best regards, 

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