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Geometry & Technology

Pierre Dumas

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Welcome and thank you, Timothy!


You sure know how to feed my vanity, ha!


The bird wants to fly away from the well paved forest (devastated by human technology environment)


Cheers to that





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Thank you Alberto!


I will go to your page now to see whether there's something new!


Cheers to that!




P.S. Nothing!

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Mio caro Pierre, quello che noi chiamiamo Dio ( Dio è l'Amore Puro!!!), non può essere cattivo con noi, siamo noi che siamo cattivi con noi stessi. La Natura neanche si vendica, si adatta alla nostra "STUPIDITA'...". Quando l'uomo si sarà autodistrutto nascerà...qualche altra "COSA"!

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Maurizio, dovremmo non così scoraggiarci! Henry Ford ha predetto il carburante bio e un sacco di persone intelligenti lavorare su ora! Altri lavorano sullo sviluppo di un nuovo, perfetto umano! Non ti preoccupare, la Terra si salverà da noi, ah!

Grazie per il tuo commento, saggio come di solito !

Pietro pieno di speranza

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My first quick impression, when looking at the small thumbnail, was that of disaster. The naked remnants of blown apart trees, the boiling sky in the background, and, in my mind, a sphere of "fissionable material" prominently displayed in the photo, all atop a ground pattern that may be glass as a result of nuclear heat came to mind. If, instead of a pigeon (or is it a dove) you had a vulture sitting there, I'd be more convinced of my impression. One caveat, I was on my second gin and tonic of the evening when I looked at it. Nevertheless, this is a pretty dynamic construction, whatever you intended. I stashed it in my "favorites" portfolio. (I think I'd better give up gin and go back to scotch! Heh!)

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Hi, Warren!


This environment I used on more pictures and I am calling it "Well paved forest" which is to point on the fact that the civilization based on strict rules of geometry, sort to say isn't so good for the nature and yes, you see devastation which was done by us, by our using of technology based on geometry, you can see that all which is with regular geometric form is human made, even the balled head of the man and his costume, everything else is what left of the nature!

I almost wrote a novel, ha! Stick to the gin and tonic, Warren, I wish I had one (bottle) right now, ha!


Thanks for your thorough exploration of my work!





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